
The Gregorian calendar has a liberal bias, and isn’t even American.

But we switched to Apple because we all hated Microsoft.

Liked for the first half of your comment.

Had more Bernie supporters come out and supported Jill Stein...

I was saying boo-urns

This was nice to read, especially nice because my husband worked on this game for 2+ years, and I was able to beat it a few weeks ago in front him. I can only imagine how good it feels for him to see things like that. I also want to share this, his post from the night before South Park launched. It still makes me cry

what I’m picturing right now

If you mean cheering one on, I’m in.

To be fair, who actually trusts what Lena Dunham says? She’s proven herself to be a pretty terrible person too. Not defending Weinstein of course.

Consider this, though: there are probably a hundred people who work on the show that expected to have one more year of steady paychecks. Something that I think is worth grappling with is how we take down abusive powerful men without massive collateral damage. Recentering stories on women is one way to do so.

Who made this and what did they do with the real Capcom? And could they do the same with Konami, please?

It’s still a white guy doing a racist caricature of an Indian 7-11 owner, dude.

Meet me at the bridge where the freak lightning storms occur. I hear, there can be only one...

Will Jared try to save himself and make a bargain to blame every Trump? Will Ivanka be able to stop him from doing so? Will Don Jr and Eric try to save ass and testify against each other?

Hard-core Trumpists hate Kushner, and Ivanka, with fiery passion. They have always been “globalist Dems” (read: the wrong kind of Jew) to those aboard the Trump train.

I’m starting to get the impression that Jared that, aside from being extremely corrupt, Jared is also incredibly stupid.

Well simple genetics tells you that Saiyans and Humans must be incredibly closely related to the point that they can create viable breeding offspring that are themselves capable of breeding so there shouldn’t be much issue with a Saiyan-Human Hybrid.

Next. S-Cells is probably an inaccurate way for explaining Super

The bears is how we get rid of 45. I’m playing the long game.

I don’t know how anybody could have read/watched Dragon Ball all this time and NOT realized that he’s just been making up nonsense from the beginning.

You do realize that the word “mansplaining” is a sexist term used for when a man is condescending, right? Toriyama isn’t being condescending in this. Just because a man is explaining something doesn’t mean that is is mansplaining.