
I know right! Almost as original as ragging on Penny Arcade in the Kotaku comments section!

Or Barack Obama, since Trump has dedicated his presidency to undermining all of Obama’s accomplishments. I think that if the magazine spun it as “look how far we’ve fallen from this once highly respected office” and also focused on how a sizable number of people wish that Obama could have served a 3rd term, Trump

We need to convince him that People doesn’t nominate standing presidents. Might speed up the resignation. 

And, on a related note, fuck you Tiger Woods and Dustin Johnson for stooping to the level of playing a round with this piece of shit.

Is spending money cheating? Seems just as fair to me.

The way that Miyomoto has influenced modern day gaming can not be overstated. Even active Nintendo haters or those who have left Nintendo behind can’t begin to realize of how much the man has shaped and inspired countless programmers, designers, artists and the like within modern game video gaming to a level that no

A couple of weeks ago I saw the movie in theaters (in México) and whenever laputa was mentioned the entire theater giggled uncontrollably.

XVIII century Irish writer Jonathan Swift should get in contact with Spanish-speakers as he came with the name Laputa in Guilliver’s tales and only much later Ghibili used it in a movie.

So that castle in the sky is a brothel?

If you’re concerned about buying from people with questionable backgrounds, Mercedes-Benz probably wasn’t a good choice in the first place.

Im just going to assume every single male politician out here fighting against LGBT rights is homosexual at this point. The self hatred in these types is on steroids

Well at least it’s fucking Friday.

I didn’t need to spell out that I was talking about men in power sexually harassing people, right? Since that was what the article was about and men sexually harassing women have been in the news constantly the last few weeks.

Absolutely. I love Franken as a senator, and had been hoping he’d run in 2020. But he needs to step down, now.

What a shock that somebody named Brett is defending fucking golf.

Counter-proposal: Keep all golf courses active but also populate them with wolves.

Wait, that’s about prostate cancer?!

And remember, conservationists could still provide all the incredible content that zoos are offering now.