The Goomba stack...savage.
The Goomba stack...savage.
This article has been out for a hot minute and I’ve already seen two Jabba the Hut jokes.
They should just recast him with Don Cheadle.
Well, yeah, maybe, but those ultra rich are also likely not earning income in a taxable sense, but getting their wealth from capital gains which is taxed at a different rate depending on where your income is. You can earn no income and reap huge capital gains with a lower tax burden than if you just earned that income…
This. The most obvious thing to write about is not on the article.
In my few minutes of looking, and based on my own criteria of “non-bundled game” (which was not counting huge DLC bundles), the most expensive single game I could fins was a VR zombie game called Emission VR for $99.99.
Good of you to point that out. Black face is just poor judgement. Anti-semitism, on the other hand, will NOT be tolerated.
Without a doubt, much more deplorable.
“Oh, you have tiny hands! I like so much when man have so tiny hands! Is sexy!”
Yup, she is all over the news now, I am sure she how some power play she is working on.
Oh, shit! You don’t know what “petty” means, do you?
Here you go:
I hate Trump as much as the next person but this is petty.
Man. I hope we make it to 2020 to have that problem. That’d be swell.
I wonder how the kids felt about meeting Melania’s body double?
Absolute 100% ‘Yes’ to your first three questions. Hysterical laughter shifting into head-shaking and tears to your fourth.
All of the titles have different physical characteristics, which I dig. Historically,in cartoons, they’ve always been identical outside of the bandanas.
John Kelly seems to have an awfully selective memory.
Oh please, people. It’s not like anyone in the US Navy needs to know where the Persian Gulf is.
The whole difficulty thing was just a joke, the only thing it actually changes are some lines of dialog.