
If the president of the United States needs a translator to speak in English, he needs to not be the president.

Yet the longer this goes on the more I don’t believe any of that shit. If you have honor, you don’t stand there and eat shit from something like trump. Fuck Kelly and Mattis.

Once upon a time, I had two coworkers. One guy had a PhD. The other guy was named James and would always ask the PhD to do things that most would consider far below their job qualifications.

I kept on telling the PhD that any time he was asked, he should respond with “Damnit Jim, I’m a doctor, not a _______”.

Isn’t that the cyber adaptation of the Peltzman effect?

This, I work with software and its the same thing.

Kurt Cobain tried to warn us, fish don’t have any feelings. Damned bastards.

lol, must confess that was my first takeaway as well.

BREAKING: Larry flint is alive

Maybe the real soup was inside us all along.

As a soup lover (seriously I could live off the stuff and eat nothing else) I would eat all of these.

Also I have since printed this article, placed it in a slurpee cup and filled it with hot water. I call it “A game about deciding what is and is not soup soup”

(also, please don’t comment about your heroic act of revolution in not having had a Facebook in x amount of years because no one gives a fuck)

The fact that every game didn’t have a custom border is an oversight I can’t even begin to understand. I could maybe see with some of the games owned by other folks that using old/creating new art would mean more licensing issues/costs and such, but for Nintendo’s own properties? That struck me as a MASSIVE oversight.

Can you imagine, Rex says “sure whatever, Betsy find me a number 2 pencil” and then Dumpy backs out because it would be a waste of tax payer money or some shit. Then he’ll wonder why the senate intelligence committee isn’t giving Hillary an IQ test.

Thank you so much for this.

Every time I see it I get sick. It’s such a design mess. I look at it and just skip it completely.

People have been modding consoles for years. This is no different.

how about the fact that it DOESN’T MATTER. You can’t stop things on the internet once it’s on the internet.

I can get behind this idea.

Haha, oops! That’s what I get for trusting my phone.