
I wouldn’t be surprised if he had no testicles, though. 

Admiration it also ain’t...


Are you saying “I hated Trump before it was cool”?

Like many articles about the moon landing, this one forgets to give a passing mention to Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, instead just calling them “the crew”.

I’m with you, but also, I’m with the people who enjoy it. 

It’s more of a scorpion-crossing-the-river-parable situation.


So That’s how Mexico will pay for the wall!

This image was missing in the discussion:

I was on the edge of my seat the whole fight. Hell, Pedro Pascal is supposedly part Chilean, and down here we have a saying, “We played like never before, yet we lost as always” (“Jugamos como nunca, y perdimos como siempre”), which we used to say after soccer matches when the team played incredibly well, looked like

Your missing a most important point: Trump may not be that rich, and will likely outlive his usefulness. I sincerely believe that while lots of Republicans are licking his boots at the moment, they’re eager to push him in front of a bus as soon as they get the chance.

Wouldn’t work. This is someone who, unpowered, could defeat the Hulk.

I’m asking because 9.1% of the total employment sounds like a high number of people working for just the Healthcare Insurance Industry.

What does Health Care Employment include? Like doctors, nurses, hospital staff? Or just insurance companies? 

It’s an issue in my country, and while down in the USA, it’s not yet 0. You may not see it where you live, but there’s always “that one zone” in each city, right?

At least now you know that the composition in the senate is actually 57-43

Meant to say mugged

“Oh, and by the way, I made out with your niece ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”

Whatever happened to her Iron Man 3 powers?