
Is that a saying? It should be a saying. I’m going to treat it like a saying.

Tell them you are scared that Obama/Hillary/Bernie/AOC will issue an emergency order to take away your guns, your cows and your freedom to be allowed to die painfully because you couldn’t afford healthcare. 

But what if Guardians 3 turns out to be a one man play starring Dave Batista?

I had to disconnect my Spotify because I have visitors in my house, and they kept asking Alexa to play music while I was at work, and it stopped the music that was playing in my phone. And I need that music to mute the stupidity around here

The trick is to main whatever and then kick your opponents in the shins when the referee’s aren’t looking. 

How much of Albert Einstein is preserved for science? Just the brain, or like, a foot and a hand too?

Filed to “Fetch”

No, but I wouldn’t expect any refunds or compensation if you forget to apply for the ETIAS and aren’t allowed into your destination. At the end of the day, it’s the customer’s responsibility to make sure they have al the required documents. 

I would’ve mentioned the gap, but seriously, if you fell after the last 2 bricks then you should’ve turned the game off out of shame.

You mean like how voter is laws make sense, but they will obviously be used in some racist manner?

Funny how 8-3 final stairs are technically just as difficult as 8-1 stairs, but because there’s no pillar holding them, it gives the impression that you will fail a jump. 

I thought that Iron Man represented the conservative point of view in the film...

While we’re at it: stop lifetime appointments, perhaps?

All I know is that Nirvana was playing the song in their live performances around that time. Or so I thought, after this Wikipedia entry implies they started playing it live after the Unplugged.

Tristram in Diablo 2 was a highlight! But for some reason, in Diablo 3 it felt... off. Probably because they didn’t keep the same layout, and separated the cathedral and Adria’s hut from the town.

At this point, Timmy is like 40 years old and poor guy has been closeted his whole life...

It’s funny how in Smash he’s got all these dark moves like grappling and wrestling. 

My favorite will be:
