
No. I thought of it too. Everybody would’ve thought of it eventually. 

But seriously, do replace each confederate statue with Hot Lincoln. 

It was a... cute? visionary? creative?

Didn’t you feel like it ended too abruptly? Like if it was missing a whole third act vs the demon army?

Great, now I’ve GOT to watch Emerald City.

His gaming credits include starring as Eddie Riggs in Brütal Legend, playing Harm’ny in Broken Age (both by Double Fine) and the Pitfall commercial mentioned by ninjinister.

I don’t know, but let’s call it serendishitty

By the title of this, I thought they cut cinematography and editing once again. 

Which one hit you the hardest?

Until they figure out they can count on Americans’ awful memory and just be hypocrites.

The metric system is awesome! Just, don’t copy Britain, they use a mix of imperial and metric. 

This means that he will be out within the year. 

Didn’t know that! Who?

I finally figured it out!

And Mario 2’s final boss singing songs!

It’s likely similar to the ones installed in a lot of Dick’s Sporting Goods stores that let people try out clubs before they buy them, but probably a lot more immersive, as it’s $50K worth of virtual golf action.”

1) He allegedly paid for it with his own money. Half those words should be quote/unquoted, in any case.

So in their mind, the crazy gun nut jobs with unnecessarily huge-ass cars and power tool obsession playing loud music are the Mexicans?


It’s just not—germs are not a real thing. I can’t see them, therefore they’re not real,”