Anel Hershiser



Right, but those reviews are out there. People looking for that kind of breakdown of Tekken will find them. Kotaku is going to bring their own perspective on things. For you to say that they need outside help on a review is, frankly, a little insulting. Fahey did a great job on the Injustice review and I’m sure, if

Perhaps that’s exactly why it’s a benefit for them to review it? To get a perspective from an outlet that isn’t as experienced with Tekken? So people who have liked games in the series in the past or who generally like fighting games but aren’t good at them can get a sense of what it would be like for them?

You almost spelled Dwyane Wade right too.

¿Dónde están los churros?

Your username is fitting.

The curse is still a thing though right? That’s the only silver lining here.

Well, it worked out well for nobody, but there was this one:

Between sharks having no concept of Twitter or the English language and wolves having no thumbs and no Pro Bowl appearances, I’ve learned a lot about animals in 2017.

All game ads would be better with Kirk Hamilton quotes like that.

Andy was 19 in 1977. Are we positive that it wasn’t him?

Now playing

Obviously I get why you’d say that on the surface (as most radio, especially sports radio, is generally terrible), and I’d love to make a case for why The Ticket is great (because it is), but I don’t want to be the guy on an internet comment section writing a dissertation defending an AM Radio station.

And I’ll buy us both industrial sized buckets of salt if in Episode 8, Luke is wearing a Carson Wentz jersey when he takes off his Jedi robes and it is revealed that Snoke is actually Brian Dawkins.

Sure, but again, if it’s well hidden, who cares? Before the article today came out, nobody except this guy and all his battery throwing, Santa Claus booing friends were the ones who knew. They probably high fived and that was that. Even if you thought you heard the alien say “Fletcher”, you wouldn’t think “MY GOODNESS

I mean, I’d agree with you if this were some overt Eagles reference. I’ve watched the video 3 times and, despite it being spelled out above what I should be hearing, the only one I am hearing is “Fletcher”.

Not that THPS3 isn’t great, but if you’re including a Tony Hawk game on the list it has to be THPS2X. It’s the ultimate THPS director’s cut. It was 1 and 2's career mode with features from 3. It’s XBOX exclusive, and it’s great. Especially since THPS 1 and 2 were both great, but PS1 only, the updated graphics really

Agreed. Garrett made a bad call there, but, Wade can’t give an answer like that and then bitch about the outcome.