
Its frustrating to be sure, but towing these trucks out of the way is just going to result in violence. The kind of bro-truck, redneck mentality that leads to them ICE-ing, comes with a hearty helping of macho posturing as well. 

Why? She explained why it works, so you ought to explain your disagreement.

You should have served everyone who wanted it properly cooked and fried hers in a pan really quick.

“Well, I won’t eat it. It needs to go back in the oven for at least another 40 minutes.”

My mother-in-law bought a $200 piece of prime rib a few years ago for Christmas. She hates to cook, so her deal is, “I buy, someone cooks.” So, I’m at their house, and I am the cook. I am so stoked- it is a BEAUTIFUL piece of meat. I cook it to a PERFECT medium rare. I have the au jus going, the sides. The meat

Order well done steak at fancy restaurant against advice of entire service staff. Steak is terrible. Leave bad Yelp review.

If someone orders steak well done, they actually don't like steak.

Also, “true.” Having worked in several different kinds of restaurants for many years, I can say he/she’s pretty spot on.

Well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.

I agree with all of this.

Wow, it’s like Cecilia summoned you like Beetlejuice.

Only took 4 minutes for That Guy to post. Gotta be some kind of record.

Also known as the six pack escape hatch.

Winning a title depends on so much more than talent, so it’s not quite the best judge of greatness. Statistics in general for F1 are pretty useless across generations as more and more races are tacked on to the calendar. That’s one of the reasons why you’ll often see the discussion revolve more around who is the best

You can’t just base it on championships. Hamilton is great but he won three of his championships in superior Mercedes cars. If Alonso was in that seat those years he would have won too. You could argue the same for Schumacher at Ferrari, or that his competition wasn’t as stiff. Senna has to at least be in the

His first time behind a proper race car (FF)...he set a circuit record. Think about that....

To be clear, you did imply that. And to be clearer, go fuck yourself

Your rant switches back and forth from being pissed at your employer to pissed at your customers. You probably should not be in customer service. I, too, have had similar issues with my job, and it was my clue that I am ready to move on.

Maybe get another job?? You are the one contact between the customer and the delearship. Of course you will take the heat for stuff gone wrong! It doesn’t matter if it’s your fault or not, it’s just part of the job... Blame your dealership for making your salary depend on basic surveys, but blaming the customer for

So, what does cause that Skittles noise?