
The whole reason ketamine is so revolutionary and effective as an antidepressant is because it greatly increases neuroplasticity; in effect, it allows one to create new neural pathways that would otherwise be unavailable during therapy.

Might as well have

This study is terrible and should never have been published, and the conclusions being drawn from it are nonsense. The only, and I do mean only, thing this study showed is that any mechanism for Ketamine treatment requires consciousness.

At time of writing, Paramount hasn’t provided a comment on Stewart’s claims.

Man wait until they hear the phrase, “Trans-orbital insertion.”

Yes, I would think that going from 60+mph to stationary while also sensing multiple impacts would generally qualify as a crash.

Yes, definitely sounds like the users fault, they need to disable the feature when it possible they are going to drop their phone. Then turn it on again when they are no longer going to drop their phone.

seems to me the real problem here was the motorcycle mount attachment, not apples crash detection feature.

Don’t worry! We have a review of those in the works ;)

It’s Sanford, actually:

What’s the species name for gorillas? Or for bison?

This is a weird thing to get hung up on.

Oh, that’s easy.  Musk doesn’t have a company that makes electric trams.

Really this is a present to your therapist because that’s horribly fucked up and really heartless.

Wow. :( I’m really sorry that happened to you.

That is heartbreaking

Why on Earth would they do that??

Best Tony prediction of the night had to have been “If Andy Reid is smart, he’ll call the timeout here”

He did, but figured it was worth it.

Can anyone else admit that he was a great QB? I feel like I’m alone on this train. All of my friends have forsaken me. My kids don’t respect me. My wife... well, she’s great, actually.