
And yet the Prius still has the better external design, by a huge margin. What a turnaround.

No. No they didn’t.

“Saying ‘it’s just a placebo’ is really a disservice to what placebo is,”

At time of writing, Paramount hasn’t provided a comment on Stewart’s claims.

Yes, we saw Anakin appear in the last episode. The place Ahsoka found herself in is notorious for bending time and space, and MANY people were wondering just who or what THIS Anakin was. The chatter about the mystery was everywhere.

“ why has the company taken so long to bring prices down?”

Florence, factual error in the section headine:

@Kyle — It will fold totally flat; you just have to apply more force than you might expect. I wonder if it will break in over time. Both Engadget (Sam) and The Verge spoke about it.

Millions. The word is MILLIONS.

In that scenario, add the milk after 10 minutes. Otherwise you’re losing the maximum rate of cooling the coffee will have on its own, when the temperature difference between it and the ambient air is greatest.

That demonstration flight had more in common with Armadillo Aerospace than it did SpaceX (and that’s not a dig at at the original Texas rocket co.)


It would be good to read a comparison with the new Bose earbuds that just came out. Prime ANC competitor that isn’t mentioned here.

Hey Kevin, just to clarify: the issues are *fixed* in macOS 12.5.1 and iOS 15.6.1. The notes from Apple are about what was corrected in these new updates. 

At 8 years old, for the first time I did my own shopping, buying gifts for my father and his new family (including my younger half-siblings).



I’ve had similar issues with sleeks (those hairline scratches most visible in direct sunlight). One thing I realized was contributing to them was jean rivets - the screen can brush against them when being pocketed. So I started slipping my phone into my pocket screen out, instead of screen in.

It is comical that the judge thinks this order will change any aspect of Chelsea’s behavior, given what she’s already been through.

Try a top and leggings from Kleen Apparel — silver-infused clothing that never stinks.

Try a top and leggings from Kleen Apparel — silver-infused clothing that never stinks.