
It's fun enough, and among the most tolerable Webber, who I tend to dislike pretty strongly when he's not working with Tim Rice, for some reason. It does have a Megamix if you want a good taste of the whole thing.

Great reply! I do think it's certainly within character for Hannah to hear that there's some kind of problem, assume the worst and give up completely, but it's nice to know that she could still turn it around.

All due respect to cousin Rudy, is there no chance for Hannah to go to the potential new publisher and ask for legal help from them? I feel like she should be able to get the rights back somehow, no?

That one second clip of Neil Patrick Harris dancing means I'll probably have to see this . . . sigh.

I was even a little misty early in the episode before the sentiment stuff, just from the goodness of the writing/directing and stuff all coming together. You could really feel Joe Russo coming back early on, and I felt like I was in such good hands.

I know! They even found something touching for Shirley to share with him, and they almost never had storylines together.

I loved this episode pretty much start to finish, and especially loved the amount of Britta. Donald Glover will be missed, but what a way to go out.

John Noble's a really good actor, you guys.

Seriously. He appeared in the pilot and the finale of Alpha House, so it's not like quality is the issue. I'm sure they can get him in and out in an hour if he doesn't want to spend a lot of time on it.

Is this real, or is this some kind of bit Oswalt is doing for publicity? I couldn't quite tell as it was happening last night.

You know, I'm kind of torn because I feel like the Razzies have little internal consistency and take themselves the wrong level of seriously (more OR less would probably be an improvement), but I'm also kind of outraged there's no Oz the Great and Powerful mentions.

Was everyone saying the word "Friend(s)" so much (and Andy's hat) supposed to be a jokey thing about the stuntcasting? It felt weirdly halfway and I couldn't tell.

Matilda is absolutely brilliant, I think it's my favorite musical score of the last 5 years, at least, and I think this material is a really good fit for Minchin. It's true Sondheim tossed around the idea of doing it, but apparently never seriously worked on it and has "given his blessing."…

I'm very happy, that was incredibly satisfying to get lost in for an hour. So glad to have this world back. And it seems we're in a universe where ratings good enough for Season 6 do not feel unattainable!

You know, I asked for S4 on DVD for Christmas out of completism's sake and watched the first disk tonight and I had totally forgotten about at least 1 of the episodes. So my main hope is for no more forgettable episodes.

I have found my library to be a great resource in watching seasons of TV that I don't have access to otherwise for free or the cost of fulfilling a hold.

I'm pretty upset they're turning him into "STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE!" guy.

The phrase "rock-solid Nora time" makes me laugh way way more than it should.

Yes, and that arrangement by Jason Robert Brown is so wonderful! He writes about creating it (with audio!) here:…