
David Fincher didn’t make the first World War Z. I don’t think he even had anything to do with it at all, as best as I can tell.

I’ve hated this stuff with a passion forever, both the “Move along, there’s nothing to see here, you definitely don’t need a moment to process your catharsis (oh, you know, just the POINT OF ART) or figure out who the guest stars are while the credits roll don’t you want ANOTHER EPISODE!” moves at the end, and this

I have long said Jon Hamm and Armie Hammer should play siblings in something, because they sound incredibly similar.

This was the LOST-iest episode of the this show yet, with the mental illness voices and mysterious document possibly containing answers and discovering new characters who don't have any more answers and a scene full of DADDY ISSUES with a father who had the same job as the protagonist but is no longer fit to work.

How do you keep all that complex Frank Fisticuffs mythology straight?

I've always thought Weird Al had a wonderful way of building character in his songs, and I would love to see him write original music for a musical. But I'd also really love to see some dramatic interpretation of Albuquerque.

The ability of that show to hate young people and everything they do is kind of mind boggling.


The thing he did last night WAS excerpts from a stand up bit. I saw him do it last month. He described a bunch of sketches (of varying quality) that he has pitched but have not made it to air, so it's pretty clear he's trying.

This is still on, but I'm appreciating the direction and a lot of the little background details more than ever in this episode. Also, everyone's getting a moment to rally in their own way in light of Will's death and it's so interesting.

I briefly thought next season might just transition into being a legal drama about the trial of Jessa for MURDER, and I'm a tiny bit disappointed that that's not going to happen now.

Now if it had been Diane, then we would really have something to be devastated over.

How dare What's On Tonight reference "Shooting Star" in any way, shape or form!

I figured they wanted Braverman godparents because Jabbar presumably has godparents from Jasmine's family.

Hannibal/Bob's and Community/Mad Men is just cruel cruel cruel for the first round. I would've been thrilled if they were the final 4.

I have always been a Shays partisan when it comes to Suburgatory, but a feel like Allie Grant has been especially on fire the last couple of weeks, and thought the scene where Shelia and Fred celebrate was the best of the night. I'd watch the hell out of them in a spinoff.

When I was first catching up on Mad Men using Netflix discs in those dark days before it was streaming, I did not much care for this episode, feeling it was a letdown from the more "eventful" Nixon vs. Kennedy.

Amazon's first batch kind of feels like they're creating stuff for someone to stumble on in like 5 years and say "oh, that sounds interesting" and watch in an afternoon and then never think of again, so I suppose their promotion should match that.

I find this whole process fairly fascinating and kind of love the illusion of power that it gives me. I take filling out those surveys VERY seriously for some reason.

I had a thought that SNL might *gasp* BREAK FORMAT SLIGHTLY and let him do stand up sets where the musical act usually goes, but I very much doubt that it'll happen.