Andy's Partridge

As a father of two 20-something women, I’m starting to see this welcome trend more and more in pop culture. Check out the #thisisme movement in photography.

Neigh, I disagree.

Maybe in the sense of “Grand Wizard...”

China - Tibet

I met Jerry in 1998 when I was working at WPIX, which carried the show in NYC. At one point during the meeting, Jerry said “You know, we’re all going to Hell for this.” I remember thinking, “No Jerry - you’re gouing to hell for this.”

In case his supposed successor doesn’t work out, the President is considering someone from this fine group:

They paid Minor Leaguers enough in the ‘80's to blow it on blow?

Barely a rhubarb - since it happened after the game officially ended, it officially qualifies as a kerfluffle.

Is that why she has the ears of an old Jewish man?

Martinez complemented his move of Harper to #1, by moving the pitcher to #8, and batting (mostly) Wilmer Difoe at 9 - that’s how he was Harper’s and-one for Friday’s second Ballentine Blast.

Now playing

“...the best solution to America’s absurd rates of gun violence would be to take most of the guns and melt them in a big furnace until they are all gone.”

Well, at least he’s got that going for him.

“got us out of Vietnam” - after an additional 21,194 US service people died there from 1969 - 1973.

All Serie A, Ligue 1 and La Liga matches can be seen on beIN SPORTS, beIN SPORTS Espanol, and the beIN SPORTS Connect digital service.

The SMEG items brought back memories of the Shanghai Media Entertainment Group, before they dropped the “Entertainment” portion of their name:

Clouds don’t “scuttle” as if they have something to hide or fear - they “scud.”