It’s like a $300 option. Might have been from the same dealer and that’s how the dealer ordered it. Or both guys are Captain Super America and wanted their apple pie to go and their bowties to glow
It’s like a $300 option. Might have been from the same dealer and that’s how the dealer ordered it. Or both guys are Captain Super America and wanted their apple pie to go and their bowties to glow
Yea but the image of being a Jeep person, not really worth it
Kona or CX3 would be my picks
The sad thing is, I think they are all actually following after Chevy. Pretty sure the first car to offer LED illuminated badging was the little ol’Cruze
Shit, they are pulling it off with the Frontier so why not. It can go down in history like the Panther platform
Dweeb. “It’s far from what I am seeing. It’s far from what the ‘educated’ media is pushing. And it’s far from what job markets demand.”
Lmao “human condition”, yup snow flake. Not joking that time. You’re defensitivity isn’t becoming and makes it hard to take you seriously.
This might be geographically dependent, because it’s far from what I am seeing. It’s far from what the ‘educated’ media is pushing. And it’s far from what job markets demand. Maybe it’s different for me, I’m an in engineering rich city with two universities and a college. I think everyone I know who studied Lib-Arts…
It’s a common generalization, yes, but also not that far off base either.
I had a 3.0 Mazda6 that accelerated on its own when it was extremely cold. Put it in Drive and it would creep up to about 25mph without throttle input. Let it idle or drive it for 5 minutes, turn off and back on again and it was fine. If you didn’t turn it off it would continue.
Everywhere has one. Not just small towns. I read a couple years ago that dollar stores were the fastest growing segment of stores.
Great tip is go to a hipster store like H&M and buy novelty swimsuits for like $10. You buy em as a joke, they buy em to be whatever they’re trying to be, everyone wins.
Great tip is go to a hipster store like H&M and buy novelty swimsuits for like $10. You buy em as a joke, they buy…
I would say the shock isn’t that she only made $12k, it’s what she did... or took, for only $12k.
If this was the 90s and early 00s the same could be said about any manufacturer.
Canada pulled pennies years ago. The US seems to lag behind with all sort of payment methods (chip card, then tap cards, etc). With Europe a lap ahead.
It’s a legitimate sales strategy. People are more likely to buy something at $9.98 than at $10.00. Look in every store from grocery, to clothing, to cars.
It a nice F’n car. There is something happening at GM where their new vehicle don’t photo/internet well, but in person they give you the “dayum” impression.