
"Just a guy dressed for the beach" versus Human Fish. Who wins?

These are great, but honest question - why now? As stated, these were posted a few years back and YouTube is full of people posting their old amateur films. (It's a fun rabbit hole to go down if you find the right combination of search terms.)

I had sort of forgotten about the toy run, but the Nick event I always wondered about was the "Nickelodeon Takes over Your School" contest. They aired highlights but I never really understood what went down and how they got everyone's permission.

I don't think it was even implied, actually - unless that was the real reason Becky was so upset?

Kurt: "We've had to fight for everything we've ever gotten."

Yeah, and I have to give them credit for non-traditional casting. I was cracking up re: Spencer's crush being styled to look like an ultimate frisbee player voted "Most Likely To Open an Etsy Shop".

This episode felt accidentally quintessential: set up actual plot conflicts, then spin a random wheel to see who gets to sing, then go to a secluded karaoke party for 15 minutes of screen time where they can ignore all of the plot.

I have mixed feelings about what was going on with Mercedes in this episode. I see the problem with the "Mercedes, Fix My Life" of it all, but for someone who is not a main character or full-time cast member at this point, last night… didn't seem like the worst use of her?

Did we just learn that Gil is actually Jake's *least* annoying friend?

I need Sue Sylvester to get the "Dexter" ending - somehow escapes, is now living as a lumberjack. In a snowglobe. With Mike Chang's dad.

We made it through Rocky Horror. We made it through the body swap episode. We survived "Let's have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time" and Quinn's temporary paralysis. Do your worst, Ryan Murphy.

I would be fully in favor of referring to the old new cast as "the expendables" from now on, except we likely won't ever have cause to mention them ever again.

I am officially fascinated with how little sense Dennah makes as a character. What's her deal? What was the pitch? What does the show bible say about her?

Which plot has "Mindy" done the most at this point - "characters react to a fratty/teenage/young-skewing party" or "temporary roommate doesn't respect boundaries"?

Music Box is getting it in a few weeks, before Christmas. I don't think I can wait that much longer, though - the VOD is beyond tempting.

I don't think all 11 year old kids are the same; Faraci was trying to universalize his own nostalgia, to dubious effect. And I don't think that "it's for kids!" is a get out of jail free card or an irrefutable defense. Not to go all Helen Lovejoy, but if anything a young audience would make the reinforcement or

Anything Claudia O'Doherty. Such a strong addition.

I am willing to give this show some time, but I am confused by the tone. Clearly this isn't supposed to be the most serious debate out there, but did anyone else feel like Faraci was being facetious or even insincere almost the whole time? Not much of an argument if he's going to shrug off all critiques rather than

I was sold on this development by the line about how she "writes for two hours a day" and then just gets to screw around, which definitely felt like a writer's room in-joke while also being a totally plausible explanation for how some writers live.

The latest "How was your week" with Caitlin Moran was a real delight. Such a strong rapport.