
Liked "Split," hated that ending tag. Felt like egregious self promotion - it doesn't add anything to this current film and implicitly asks us to revisit and reappraise "Unbreakable".

All the swipes at Andy Kindler were so perfectly inside and over the top. Not giving him any lines was the cherry on top.

I would say the brownface was more than questionable; though I wonder if this is evidence that Netflix really did let these comedians just do their thing, with minimal notes or interference? You'd think/hope someone would have tried to talk him down from that particular choice.

I loved this, although would probably end up ranking it 3rd of the 8. I'm glad that some episodes were more scattered/had less of an overall concept, but the specificity and commitment here were real assets. Fearless stuff.

Susan Blackwell is surprisingly good in this, and I say surprise mainly because the show itself doesn't seem to call for it - so weirdly empathetic.

Really though, if all it means is you only get 10 minutes with one of your ingredients instead of 20, that doesn't sound so crazy? Just always make pasta or some kind of salad, anything amenable to a mix-in or topper. A flatbread. Soups.

I still haven't seen "Recipe for Deception", but no matter how many times I hear it explained I do not understand the premise. How do they cook something without knowing what it is? There aren't any blindfolds involved; at some point, it's going to be right in front of them. Do they just have to dump something on

Ooh, cool. And of course I meant "I hope it is" not "it had better be".

Brechtian Westerns better be a reference to "Red Garters".

This is going to sound churlish in the wake of such an exhaustive artricle, but: Rotary Connection's cover didn't make the cut?

Maybe I'm just sick of podcasts trying to tell me I hate the post office. It's mostly fine! Not great, not bad. Lay off post offices, podcasts.

I don't object to the necessity of ads in general, but Aukerman's fake enthusiastic ad reads are the worst. Nails on a chalkboard.

Agreed that episode 3 really felt like all the elements coming together, really solid all around.

I like Hallie, too, and think it actually helps to have someone offset the show's rhythms. I love the show, but it does have some element of formula to it - like Elliot attacking anyone who misspeaks even a single syllable, like that Taran Killam "Glice" skit. The occasional variety keeps the usual stay fresh.

I mean, absolutely I'd prefer acknowledgment of sources (and I understand the website is more annotated, for that reason). It's a very good show on the whole, I guess for me there have just been a few instances where it has definitely felt more like someone describing a book they read.

I like YMRT off and on, but it always makes me wonder about citing sources in an audio format, since there's really no podcast equivalent of footnotes. I don't think there's anything wrong with using so many secondary sources, but I'm not sure what I'd call the resulting format, either.

I also know someone who won't listen to TBS in part because it requires 5ish minutes of skipping past intro music at the outset.

What is the format for the soundtrack giveaway? Digital download, cd, vinyl?

I know what math is. I'm saying: many of their conversations were drawn out without clear stopping points; segment one filmed 4 Skype calls when it feels like there'd only be time for 2, if that; each genital chamber call was 5 minutes on its own, etc. Sure, editing exists, I just don't envy them the job since

Have not seen an official episode yet, and am still wondering how the 2 hour tapings can possibly fit into 22 minutes. (Is the Fusion schedule so crowded they can't give them the hour?) But based on the two tapings streamed so far, the show has barely lost a thing in this transition. Act 2 of tonight's episode