
I swear: no one in this episode talks to or looks at Perkins besides the Doctor. There's one moment where an extra reads a gadget display over his shoulder, but otherwise this played really oddly. He delivers lines and no one reacts, makes eye contact, etc. It's like an early draft of the script had Perkins as an

SUCH a promising turnaround. This could be a really fun show.

Aw, my favorite is "Parasite manor", but I admittedly have not seen that many. Thanks for the timely Halloween recommendations.

As soon as Hawley mentioned looking for all 30 coins, I thought they were already angling for a spin-off, "Relic Hunter" style.

For real though, they are already teasing a lesbian kiss in next week's promos like it's sweeps week 1996. Stay classy, Gotham.

Even if this show doesn't pan out, we should at least get some good Bullock/Gordon slashfic out of it.

My guess re: the premise - those two sentences don't completely follow. If they only "date" for 8 months, my guess is it ends with an engagement or a temporary break-up. The show can still be their complete relationship over multiple seasons, they're just either claiming that the "dating" part ends when they take

Ah, there's the catch: Moffat won't be showrunner forever, and if we get someone new soon surely they'd take the chance to create their own companion rather than dipping into the back catalog.

The Doctor's climactic monologue was shot like Willy Wonka on the nightmare boat! Rear projection, overdue for a comeback.

I would be very happy with Journey Blue turning up as a companion in a future season, although I don't know how the balance would work if it was just her and Capaldi. As part of a trio, though, she could be like a more sedate, driven Ace.

Sincere question: is the general consensus really that "Creepshow 2" is better than the original? I happen to disagree, and was surprised to see someone argue for it, but don't have a sense of the critical consensus on this.

It is outrageous that the show wants us to believe she is ready to abandon Broadway almost immediately. Don't Glee on my leg and tell me it's raining.

I love "Dragonfire". All of it, from the wonky Ace backstory to the rando movie references.

That “Best Day” number was quintessential “Glee” – announce you’re
going to do something then just walk and sing, wander through a dance troupe
but don’t actually dance at any point, and then proclaim that something was

Aw, Rory. They stuck him on TV with minimal acting training, an unholy collection of Charlie Sheen's bowling shirts, and a character arc that went from "depressed" to "mild scheming". And yet his cover of "Take Care of Yourself" was pretty swoon-y.

Since "Glee" decided to jettison the new class about 7 episodes back and seems completely uninterested in memorializing anything that's happened since season 3, should we take turns saying nice things about the soon-to-be-departed?

Let's all take a moment to admire the speed and inevitability with which Kurt's hip, NYC band turned into the Manhattan Transfer.

Something in this review doesn't sit right with me. One of the film's flaws is that it doesn't stop to consider that the music might not be that good? Does any rock doc do this? Did "A Band called Death", or "Searching for Sugar Man", or that 4 hour movie about the Eagles? So why would this movie need to make time