
If she is that weak minded, she didn’t deserve to live

What a load of crap, don't say this, don't say that, if someone calls her beautiful they are sexist pigs, if they don't call her beautiful they are transphobic.

And what motivations do white walkers have? I mean, what motivations can a primal force of death have?

This is ICONIC in my life, to this day I still watch the series on DVD at least twice or thrice per year.

TheMarySue is nothing more than a website devoted to feminist extremists who refuse to discuss anything that goes contrary to their version of feminism. For them to not cover Game of Thrones is a good thing, I don’t think I want them constantly ruining everything with their particular brand of ideological garbage.

And black people complain when a biracial person is cast to play a full black character, so...

LMAO so he tried to make out with you at a party and that is sexual assault? RIDICULOUS! No wonder that “1 in every 4 women” is such an exaggerated lie. Soon enough staring at someone attractive will be considered sexual assault by these ridiculous feminazis.

The writing in the comics is TERRIBLE though, and the design for JEM sometimes looks like a man in a dress. Not so nice.

At this point I'm pretty convinced that the Simpsons people are leaking some hidden knowledge secrets to the general public disguised as humor and satire. I've already seen them leak out the name of who the "elite" are grooming to becoming the possible Anti-Christ, done in a humorous way in one of their "future"

The character design is extremely ugly though. If I had seen this as a child I would have been scared by their ugly features.

Obviously you don't know much of her film career outside of Resident Evil. She is a very good actress, especially in her more indie dramatic movies.

Fascinating! I think Nicki Minaj shares more than a few genes with her, as she also seems to have enlarged, low hanging vaginal lips. A.k.a. "Laffy Taffy".

I absolutely loved Paw Paws, Denver and MoonDreamers, so there!

I guess you'd have to define what love is. Is it sexual attraction? Is it attachment to something or someone? Because actually Quantum physics has shown there is such thing as quantum entanglement, where particles become "linked" across infinite distances. And Quantum physics has shown that at the smallest level, we

Where the hell is Wing Chun or Heroic Trio or Ninja Venus?