Andy Mesa

@dislexicmofo: Netflix already works on the iPad and it's coming soon to the iPhone.

@305Cane: I haven't had TV service for four years and I watch streaming sports all the time.

@Eric Tate: Uh, I'd much rather save $15/mo than watch Hulu over 3G.

You can almost taste the Fandroid tears.

If it was ad-free they'd say so. It'd be their biggest selling point. I can't believe they have the balls to charge for this and still show commercials.

Out of all the browser benchmarks I've seen this is the first time I've seen Firefox win *any* test.

@silkworm: Yeah, Steve Wozniak has tons of stress and pressure. Segway polo is brutal, man!

@SeraphX2: It's worth noting that Microsoft has never made a profit on its entertainment division. Or really, *any* division outside of Windows and Office.

@Picker: Buy a Dell Mini or MSI Wind for like $150. It'll run Snow Leopard, which will cost you $29 if you decide to buy it. You'll get a perfectly capable laptop and a machine to sync your iPhone with.

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: Apple makes less than 1% of its revenue from the App Store. Just like the iTunes Store was built to sell iPods, the App Store was built to sell iPhones.

What is this, ARPANet? At least give us some ASCII art! Make an effort Giz.

@TheFirstBardo: You atheists take the fun out of everything. You're just as bad at inflicting your personal beliefs as religious nutjobs are.

For the record, I don't own an iPhone 4 and I don't plan to get one.

Apple has learned a lesson I learned myself while doing web development. If you ever try to improve something, it will just make people complain, paradoxically, more than when it didn't work at all.

@Biduleman: If 25 phones break every day for two years, that's 18,250 phones, or 1% of the phones sold the first day.

@dominar: Yeah, 50 phones out of 1.5 million. IT'S AN EPIDEMIC.

Best one of these I've seen yet.

@Olly 'Olive' Treen: And you think any Android phone will do a better job at not getting crushed under the weight of a hipster?