Andy Mesa

How does LTE make your life better? What does that amount of bandwidth give you that an iPhone or other non-4G device can't? Can you stream movies faster with it? Does Netflix even work on your phone? Hulu? HBO Go? What other bandwidth-intensive apps do you use that requires such speed? Is browsing that much

We're the first generation that will die before our parents. I'd say that's a cause for alarm, wouldn't you?

"As little as two diet sodas a day"? WTF? How is two sodas a day "little" by any means?

No, but it's weird that you felt the need to ask that.

Uh, this idea is decades old. You can buy similar things at Walgreens for $2.

I did this with the original iPhone. I bought a dozen at a time, first from Apple, then from anyone who would sell it to me, and drove to Canada to unload them unlocked. It helped that Oregon has no sales tax, the exchange rate was favorable, and it's only a five hour drive.

I'm curious about how they handle MMS. This is the one thing that keeps me from switching completely to Google Voice.

And apparently you don't know how to use apostrophes, but hey it's not like you get paid to write.

Hello every French lady, how you doin'?

@Fulgrymm: You are also Canadian, apparently.

I read the word "cheese" a lot, but there is no cheese there.

@brady.obrien666: You missed out on some amazing stuff. The early 90s were awesome. By the time you were old enough not to shit your pants, it was over.

I do this with Instapaper, and it's free.

I don't think $999 is that bad for a 2.2 lb SSD fully featured laptop.

Now playing

Ok Southwest, you win this round, but I still want you to bring back hot girls in hot pants.

Southwest are good people.

@ru486: There's a new iPhone announcement at WWDC every year. Why would this year be any different?

@revdrkevind: What constitutes ridiculously overpriced? As far as I know the Droid and iPhone will sell at the same subsidized price.

You guys forgot one...