@vinod1978: I think Safeware is cheaper and has better coverage. I think any renter's or homeowner's insurance is cheaper still.
@vinod1978: I think Safeware is cheaper and has better coverage. I think any renter's or homeowner's insurance is cheaper still.
@Damian Hernandez: Apparently reading comprehension is not your strongsuit. It says "any damage excluding full submersion, theft, or loss".
I see people with cracked iPhones all the time and I don't know how they do it. I've been using iPhones since day one - that's three years - and I've never had this problem. I'm truly curious to see how people are able to do this.
@meatbag_pussrocket: People need to stop worshipping *any* device period. Being defensive about your fucking cell phone is pathetic.
@stabbytheicepic: Yeah, I'm sure this was caused by putting it in a pocket with keys.
@mathew: More likely:
@Landon Roberts: You EVO folks are getting a little ridiculous. You're like the monkeys in 2001: A Space Odyssey praying to the Monolith.
@grahamillion: Monopoly is too.
@Polite Society: This is Steve Jobs we're talking about. He probably makes every decision down to font of the EULA in the packet.
@Lübnah has an umlaut: Why would I be frustrated? My iPhone 3G doesn't work any worse now than when I first bought it. On the contrary, the software has only improved in the last two years.
@sweetelectro: Does your iPad work worse now than before the iPhone 4 came out?
@Guard: Let's see Froyo running on a T-Mobile G1.
@Dave on bass: By your definition, nothing can ever be before alpha-testing then. What comes before testing by the developer?
@hedgehog1969: You're going to be disappointed then, because they're all capped.
@OLD GREG: People keep whining about Apple coming out with a new phone every year, but nobody's forcing you to buy it. I still have a 3G and though I definitely could spend money on a new phone, I don't need it (or a new contract). It's called restraint.
@token_liberal: Or you could move to Oregon, and not pay sales tax on anything ever.
@pianoislife: Amazon has awesome customer service; they'll take care of you.
@Pwnage: It only works on WiFi, so it doesn't use any 3G data.
I hate the term "pre-alpha". It's the first letter of the alphabet. Say it's a development version if you must, but "pre-alpha" is just dumb.