Andy "What?" M-S

This is terrible, terrible advice.

One thing I didn’t know until recently is that until fairly modern times is that different keys did sound different from each other beyond simply being higher or lower. Instruments, including keyboards, used to be tuned using a different system than we use today, and the intervals between notes were not completely

Gotta say: for a beginner, I think that Open G (or A, E, D, whatever) is a bad idea. Because if/when you get to the point of playing with other people and want to show each other stuff, someone’s got to re-tune completely and then learn a bunch of unfamiliar positions for their fingers. Plus, most guitar tabs are done

You know what brakes are the coolest brakes in the world? The ones that stop you from dying because they actually function as modern brakes. 

Jumpers.... oh man.. Get outta here. :p ;)

This. It’s pretty hard to make a mistake now...

Maybe it’s just the time period I started building PCs in (25 years ago, jeez) but man, it certainly was a complicated mess of wires, circuit boards and jumpers back then.

Peloton uses a large, triangular cleat called LOOK Delta, while road cyclists often like Shimano’s SPD cleats

Color coding looks cleaner and nice, no question. I’ll even go further if the colors are the same and organize by height after. I leave some shelves by genre though for series- I feel like that’s the exception to this. I would never separate a book series just because they’re different colors. It would be a personal

SSD is by far the #1 upgrade in my opinion. Death to all spinning rust (unless its in a NAS... FOR NOW).

You’re right nothing in Bible says that woman can’t have two husbands. 

Also available next spring. The Lexus LC 2x12 Combo Amp, with start/stop hybrid technology and custom Lex-Us-Rock™ grill.

Maybe don’t pick up some fresh-cut logs if you don’t have the money to buy the equipment necessary to mill and dry the wood. I’m not sure what you’re going to do with the log unless you just want firewood

I’d have to guess the DA will attempt to try this kid as a adult.

Lots of people go to jail for things they did not mean to do. This kids needs a lesson. Also at his age his record will disappear in 2 years.

silent but deadly

IME, a road bike is especially attractive to these kinds of tiny dick fuck nuts as aggressive incidents against me are far less on my custom upright bikes, with the comical ACME rocket bike receiving none at all vs the road bike, even wearing regular clothes. Nevertheless, carelessness from the oblivious is common

Clicked on the article to leave a bitchy “well, duh” comment, but those other print screen combos I knew nothing about are pretty useful. Especially the alt app one, that’ll replace a good chunk of my snip usage.

Pfft. Take care of your furniture, and it’ll take care of you. Full stop.