It was an inert warhead for testing reasons. They know they can make the kaboom work; they need to know more about the navigation bits. Also, if something goes haywire, they don't have a bunch of high explosives flying into someone's living room.
It was an inert warhead for testing reasons. They know they can make the kaboom work; they need to know more about the navigation bits. Also, if something goes haywire, they don't have a bunch of high explosives flying into someone's living room.
I'm impressed that the chase plane was able to keep up. Were they running the missile at a lower power, or do cruise missiles usually just.... er... cruise.... Hmm.
It's a very small percent of total readers, sure. Probably less than 1/10th of 1%. Still, that's a handful of links back to your site (Also, keep in mind this article has an anti-facebook slant. Most articles are in the range of several thousand shares). The main attraction for these 'like'/'+1'/'addthis'/etc buttons…
That's a big part of it. The other part is I feel like facebook leaks much more private data out to other companies. At least it feels like everything Google knows about me stays inside the Google silos.
Yes, they do. When I post a page, and you click "like", it pushes back to facebook. All your friends see you like ______, and a good percentage of them click back to that page. Multiply that by 392 (the current 'like' count of this page). You've probably seen much higher amounts than that in your travels.
Also: high voltage. You should probably be careful with that too.
I can't star you, but here's a long-distance high-five!
Shark *steak* is amazing. Shark *fin* is not.
Also that :)
Doesn't matter how fast it prints if you can't afford the ink for it... :/
Don't forget the "HEY WAIT! THIS IS IMPORTANT! Will you take a survey for us before you go? And by 'before you go', I mean 'now, while you're trying to read this'." box
(edit: OK, apparently I can't link to a time. Skip to 1:32.)
This may be the best article pic I've ever seen. Thank you, Mr. Madden.
Are you trolling?
I was there. It was bad.
OK, fair enough.
I *really* like the light mod idea.