Vic Vega


And in Park!

The grille of this monstrosity is one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen.

That skin looks flabby and absolutely REPULSIVE.

“I need to replace my mattress, which has begun making alarming metallic noises every time I roll over, but out of sheer logistical paralysis I will do it the old-fashioned way: wandering around a mattress store, trailed by a sales clerk, stretching out on mattresses until I get tired and just buy literally whatever.”

No helmet can protect the brain and they never will be able to. As long as the brain can hit the inside of the skull, there will be concussions in contact sports.

I was a huge sports fan, but I’m 50 now and I watch less and less sports every year. I now watch only the Patriots on Sunday, though I admit I did watch the Red Sox in the playoffs last year. Won’t have to make that choice this year and I don’t give a damn.

Can I pay $500 to make sure that I never have to eat their food again? That’s appealing to me.

As stupid as the whole idea of including the bars was, your headline is misleading and you didn’t change it after you were informed that the bars came with all orders, not just plus sized.

If I found a scooter on my property, I’d simply pick it up and throw it in a dumpster. Problem solved.

Nice Altima!

Offhand, I don’t know the answer to that. Bars and restaurants have to pay more for cable and/or satellite TV when the public can watch it. I have no idea about broadcast TV or radio. Probably not, but I can’t say for sure.

No they haven’t. Bars that play published music or hire cover bands must pay for the rights to use the songs. This is regulated by the music publishers, who have people who make sure bars comply with the law. If they don’t, and they get caught, they can be sued. As they should be. The songwriters or rights holders

Two out of three isn’t bad for this column.

WOW! All good and reasonable suggestions! Is this site under new management?

I can’t wait until some of these Tesla fan boys actually find out how far we are from true, self driving cars. I am a systems engineer for a high tech company that sells things like integrated storage/networking/server offerings specifically for AI.

An excellent take. And the right one. Sometimes civil disobedience is warranted. These companies are parasites.

If I lived in a place where these were being dumped in front of my property, every time I found one there, I’d just pick it up and throw it in a dumpster.

You don’t think they seriously try and recommend a car for the person, do you? The majority of the cars they recommend are completely ridiculous. This one is much better than usual. If i remember correctly, one of these dolts once recommended a 25 year old right hand drive Japanese import... to a new driver.

LOL! When do you compile a list of bad writers?