
i thought it was already assumed they were bringing it back after working on it. when was this in question? they arent assholes whod say “fine you dont like it? ill take it away!” pretty sure that not how a company affiliated with nintendo has EVER been allowed to behave.

At my job we are trying to hire backend, frontend, sysop, techop engineers and its hard. Its a super stable company with a next generation product and a formidable portfolio of clients.... yet we have not been able to find good candidates. I am not in California, so I can imagine they are rarer here, but while we are

For an augmented reality Pokemon game, Niantic is almost certainly the most qualified developer. They just need a capable community manager and to stop acting like Valve.

Yeah you dont know anything about hiring processes and engineers, they have hired engineers who are learning what they need to and brought in other companies to help it takes time to understand all the variables.

You don’t just hire engineers like you buy candy. They have to learn their framework, and they have to find competent people. Having a fuckload of cash does not solve problems at an infinitely exponential rate. The hiring process remains unchanged

I guess I’m in the minority then. I’ve loved going for walks after work everyday and just catching what I catch. Even if I get nothing good, I went for a walk in the evening - to me, that’s worth the time spent.

Spinning up engineers on a project is not just a “throw money at it” situation. It takes time, no matter how much money you have.

The end game is all about gym battles and they’re the only way to earn money besides...actual money. My group has moved towards contesting gyms.

The community seems to agree with my assessment from last week: rather than “tak[ing] some fun out of the game,” as Hanke aleged, services like Poke Vision only enhance the Pokémon Go experience, especially in its current form.

Just to be safe I’m writing in Pitch Black in November. It is clearly the best.

Pitch Black winning does not give me high hopes for the upcoming Presidential election. Clearly, my fellow citizens have lost their damn mind.

RIP Baja Blast

I’ve never even used those apps/sites for tracking sooooo.....I agree though they have to fix the footprint thing ASAP

whenever I read this, I picture the Power Thirst guy selling it like an infomercial. lol

I’m surprised how one sided this headline is. Or that it has to put cheating in quotes.

Pss, dude?! You see that imaginary black van outside your house ? It has a motherfucking Agumon.

true, but they developed the app with certain “fun” factor in mind, if the purpose of the app is for the players to have “fun” and the app was created around that specific way to play, then when the expected way to play is modified, the “fun” factor changes

The developer is not wrong, neither you, but the argument

The developers. The ones that made the fun game you’re playing.

I agree with Niantic, I think it’s a lot less fun. I think that while the 3-step bug is present, it’s the best option, but it kind of breaks part of the game.

Yup. So really this is like Doom 2.0, or Doom 6.0 if you count the others.