The irony being that without affirmative action, there’d probably be less Asians at the elite university level. It’s no secret they’ll find any reason to get white kids in.
The irony being that without affirmative action, there’d probably be less Asians at the elite university level. It’s no secret they’ll find any reason to get white kids in.
It doesn’t help that the recent wave of immigrants from the mainland are wealthier than previous immigrant waves, so they are already predisposed to fiscal conservatism. And there’s been significant effort by American conservatives to target high-income minority groups for the last two decades, so the mainland Chinese…
“Oh and don’t get them started on Muslims.”
In a similar vein...people using “bias” when they should be using “biased.” I don’t think people even realize there’s a difference. I see this almost as often as I see misuse of your/you’re and there/their/they’re.
“She is a winner who has lost so much...”
This is the MAGA philosophy at its purest essence. Winners and losers aren’t determined by the morally neutral act of winning and losing. Winners and Losers are preordained castes, determined (I suppose) by melanin levels and a willfully ignorant misreading of John Calvin.
Apparently he is also a comedian.
JFC. Her son was killed by a drunk driver, but rather than blame drunk-driving she blames illegal immigrants...
“Someone called me an islamophobic...”
Like how could she miss the point of the Try On a Hijab event so wildly? No, it’s not because it’s a hot new fashion accessory *or* because the group is trying to prepare you for some kind of Islamic takeover; why would anyone even jump to such an outlandish conclusion? And then she somehow interpreted the reaction to…
Must be Conservative Martyr Day. All Zhu needs is a supportive tweet for Trump to make it official. This woman is running a campaign dedicated to removing people from out country for not following the rules which apparently makes her so important She doesn’t need to follow the rules on Twitter. In an interview with…
Holy crap, if ‘try on a hijab’ counts as Islam run amok then I have some SERIOUS complaints about the “Christians” in this country.
Why are so many Asian Americans into white supremacy? The Proud Boys also boast a lot of Asian membership.
Wow, I had forgotten how badly Miss South Carolina fucked that up.
Conservatives are convinced that Stephen Crowder is famous or something.
For fuck’s sake, just minutes after posting this the writer posted this 5000 word monstrosity:
Do racists, not understand the difference between sharing culture versus cultural appropriation? There are tons of events like the college event mentioned where people want to share their culture. Unless you are watching a how to wear a hijab tutorial you don’t know how it’s done. So who better to teach you than…
There’s gotta be a female conservative talking head turning 36 this year. That will free up a spot.
The truth is the right wing have no real celebrities above the Z-List on their side. They are so desperate for validation they will latch onto any trash person.
I’m still trying to wrap my mind around that proud recognition that black people kill more black people than the police do as I don’t even know what the point there is supposed to be. Especially considering that it is comparing a group of people to a profession that is supposed to be protecting the community. There’s…