21 Savage

Matt Patricia looks like he has a closet full of shirts arranged by which type of food stains they have on them.

This is true. As a Packer fan I willingly sabotage my Fantasy Football chances by refusing to draft Bears or Vikings players.  But Lions players, sure why not.

Paul Pasqualoni looks just like Heaven’s Gate leader Marshall Applewhite but without the charisma. Matt Patricia looks like a composite of every single Barstool reader or a sloppy high school lacrosse coach (not mutually exclusive, I know).

“The casinos can’t serve free liquor while you gamble.”

Caldwell might not be the best NFL coach; but he was way better then the previous 14 seasons. In fact, I believe since 2000, Caldwell, had the #1, #3-T, #3-T, and #5-T best records. And then the Lions go fire him to hire Patricia.  

WYTS Detroit Lions addition is the only thing I enjoy about being a Lions fan all year.

“Kid Rock already gave this stupid state a Boston-style Grit Complex.”

Reading this article is probably the happiest I’ll be during this Lions season. Imagine being the fan of a franchise and the happiest you know you’ll be during the entire football season is reading a Drew Magary piece in freakin’ July.

They’re basically the Jeff Fisher of organizations at this point.

shut up

Same thing happen to Aaron Donald. Didn’t stop him from getting paid. Elliot will get paid, its just a matter of time.

LMAOOOOOOO you couldn’t even make it to the third paragraph???

Probably because you didn’t read the article.

“At our expense”? Public health official know Benjamin Franklin was right when three centuries ago he said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Anyone else notice those “illegal immigrants” very easily climbing up that “big beautiful wall”?

It’s also preaching to the choir.  The people who are hysterical about ILLEGALS ILLEGALS ILLEGALS! are already voting for Trump.

I mean "THEY'RE ALL THE SAME" in the context that any one of them is almost assuredly infinitely more competent than Trump

I don’t know how I’m gonna make it through the actual campaign season. Trump’s ability to go lower than anyone thought possible, time and time again, will make this shit even more unbearable than last time. He’s gonna start early and aggressive. It will be nonstop lies and propaganda. Full fucking nightmare mode. 

Sounds a little hysterical to me, boys.

Dude illegals probably  need way less medicine then American’s. Just to get here they had to thousands of miles through some rough ass terrain.