Colin Kaepernick should break some kid’s arm. *Then* a team would sign him.
Colin Kaepernick should break some kid’s arm. *Then* a team would sign him.
To be fair “innocent until proven guilty” has never been in the NFL’s playbook.
Well, it’s a black child. In [Trump’s approval rating]% of American’s minds, he’s old enough to know not to put himself in harm’s way like that.
Barstool offered him a job as Chief Barstool Officer.
Barstool Sports is proud to announce the addition of Jonah Keri to its writing staff.
Hey everyone, watch this: I’m going to think of a terrible pun related to this disturbing situation and then just... not say it.
His job is to have powerless people on Internet comment boards hate on him in between purchases of over-priced stadium food and team jerseys. As long as he’s there to hate, the owners can continue to bilk local governments for stadium cash. He’s paid his market’s worth. Look up how much tax lawyers can get paid to…
We already knew they don’t care about child abuse- Peterson openly belts the same child he recklessly assaulted and nobody gives a shit.
There are doofuses making jokes punning on the guy’s name. Fucking hell man.
Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.
The Athletic released a statement saying Keri has been indefinitely suspended.
Same here. I generally don’t care what people think of me, because I know you can’t please everyone, but if I knew that THAT many people hated me, I could never stop thinking about it.
Hes the face to the public, he gets to take all the shit flinging when something bad goes down and he takes it like a champ.
Your comment is far too rationally worded for me to flip out too much but I hope you can admit that being a Chiefs fan at least slightly is affecting your opinion of him.
I know we all love stooging on Goodell, and by goodness does he deserve it. But you gotta give the guy a smidge of credit. He’s getting paid >$30m to literally do nothing according to Smith.
This league is a great microcosm of Trump’s America, where protesting inequality is a mortal sin and women and children don’t matter.
The only good thing about this is that I don’t have to listen to fantasy nerds talk about how a possible suspension hurts their team/draft plans.
“Foul Mouthed Omar” is probably the least impactful insult nickname he’s ever come up with. Even worse than “Sleepy Joe.” I hope it goes on to be co-opted the way that nasty woman was. “Foul-mouthed and Nasty” is a great protest sign.
Good thing he just broke a kids arm instead of kneeled for the anthem.
*Richie Incognito throws his father’s arms up in disgust*