You people are the worst
You people are the worst
So we’ve decided esports is what we’re calling video games now? Are first person shooters ewar? I played Galaga, am I an eastronaut?
Yup, it’s all mentally-ill lone wolves.
I have 5 candidates off the top of my head that I prefer over Joe Biden but come November 2020 if Biden is the nominee then he will most definitely get my vote
California uses a “top-two” primary system, genius.
Watch the comments.
Trust black women!
“He was released on $500,000 bail the same day he was arrested.”
In what fantasy land do you think this will pass the Repugnican Senate? It can get through the House no problem, but if you think that Mitch McConnel will let an Impeachment do anything but die an ignominious death on the Senate Floor, you’re only fooling yourself.
We are just a couple of degrees away from crowds chanting N-bombs with Hard R’s. I fully expect to see it soon.
That’s why Republicans try to walk a fine line by either being silent on Trump’s racism or condemning it with milquetoast words like “divisive” or “over the line.” They’re trying to cover their ass for 20 years down the road when someone can pull up a tape of them supporting a racist.
Exactly! We must not do anything that could help him get reelected.
Unless the DNC kicks shit into high gear, and whittles the playing field of candidates down soon,
I feel like 9-1-1 gets a lot of frantic calls from scared white people already. The putridly toxic fear of the “other” is whipped up so often, I would be pressed to believe that they are not panic-adjacent every waking moment.
If you’re going to do it, do it right, not half-assed.
A serious conversation about mental illness? Can’t we just mention it to shift the blame and then never do anything?
Meh. It’s a moot point with the Senate in Republican control.
Headline “Police arrest man with 1000 guns in his home”:
these hateful people all seem to have the exact same face
May a black family buy your house while you're in prison.