My Alfa 164 is Too a Real Alfa

it’s Disney what’s wrong with you guys?

“lil” for small

200 years from now, it might look something like this:

I love my GTI....I would have especially loved driving my GTI at 17, but that would probably not been the wisest decision.

I giggled at “tactical webbing” for some reason, but then I read the last one as “a skirt that’s all ham” and now I just...

That dude needed to Focus on his drifting more.

Okay...this looks bad. That’s because it IS bad. But you could also think of it this way, David...nothing that’s wrong with that Jeep is a new issue; but the Jeep was still running (sort of). Think about the fact that it’s robust.

Every time I start to have positive feelings about Ferrari, something like this comes up and reminds me that they suck ass and have a culture of sucking ass there at Maranello. That they - a long long time ago - manufactured one of my all-time favorite cars isn’t enough. Fuck Ferrari.

That’s known as the cocaine filter. Really gives you the full Lambo party experience.

You are surprised that a blogger has a poorly conceived argument and no supporting evidence?

Thats alot of money to spend to ensure the public knows about a car that wont be anywhere but the dealers service center.

Crossing my fingers we see a non-gimped version here in the states. Looks great. Anyone have experience with the infotainment system?

Here is me stirring the pot. Why? Because I’m honestly wanting to see the responses.

But that’s up to him, regardless of how arbitrary his reasons might be. His shop, he’s giving the tattoos, he gets to set the parameters. Yes, it was a judgement call, based on what sounds like a number of factors (that she had few tattoos in the first place, that she wanted on in a place that many shops hesitate to

Same. I don’t understand why she would want him to tattoo something he didn’t want to. Wouldn’t she want a tattoo artist to share her enthusiasm before they inked something on her body? Like hair stylists, clients are a tattoo artists walking billboard. Maybe he doesn’t want to be known as the cursive handwriting

I hate to be Team Tattoo Artist, but just like you can decide where you want your tattoos, he can also decide what work he’ll stand behind and what he WON’T. Clearly you have artistic differences, as evident by your contempt of his other work. So why would you use him in the first place?

Unfortunately, this article is kind of too late in delivering the news of such a shameful decision, since they started putting out the new versions in 2010. I remember reading about the replacement art halfway through last year and searched through several Half Price Books to replace my old copies. The originals have