My Alfa 164 is Too a Real Alfa


It’s definitely not completely ruined. Looks a bit try hard, but not ruined.

I will day that at least Kanye knows that his voice sucks. You’ll find that he uses it as a crutch on songs like ‘Only One.’ He does use autotune/vocoder for a pretty cool effect on Runaway, and a lot of the songs on 808's and Heartbreak. I would argue that Kanye doesn’t use autotune in the traditional sense like many

Gotta love the Kanye haters.


I went last year with two of my best friends and we had our cars parked out in front of an oceanfront hotel. It was so cool seeing the city pretty much taken over by modified cars like some sort of alternate universe

Yeah dude Drake is definintely one of the biggest artists in hip hop if not the biggest.

Saab’s <3

Except it’s not a Subaru engine.

I will concede that College Dropout and Late Registration are two of my all time favorite hip hop albums, but yes I do like pretty much everything after that to varying degrees. I’d say the best thing is that they all have their own unique sounds. Every Kanye album sounds LIKE Kanye, but different enough to not be the

I like Kanye West..

Katie C&C is awesome. I live in SOMD/DelMar and it’s a real treat seeing some of the insanity that comes out. We don’t have anything cool in these parts.

Too bad I go to a business school. You should at least propose the idea, I don’t think the car is going anywhere soon.

Wow I’m an idiot; it’s literally right there!

graverobber, is there a way to send submissions to you? I saw this on Sunday and immediately wanted to send it in for a NPOCP but couldn’t figure out how to.

As a POS 164L owner I am offended!

Typical Kanye hater.

Alfas <3

Make no mistake, it certainly isn’t an E30 BMW, but even with 220,000 miles on my 164 it still is a pretty compliant sedan. It’s a big boat compared to the E30, but it begs for you to drive it fast. I often find myself doing 80-90 mph just because it cruises so well at that speed. Body roll isn’t nearly as bad as the

I know this is true, but that reasoning is circle-jerked as much as people circle-jerk their want for pop-up headlights.