
TBC is doing faster tunnelling by doing less tunnelling. One small bore vs multiple big bores. Tunnels are big for good reasons, serviceways are separate for good reasons. This does feel like playing with big toys and trying to sell the mess.

Beat Saber on the new Quest. I am *so* sore and it’s only going to get sorer. Pick-up-and-go VR makes for deadly addictive “just one more go” snack gaming.

Black stuff to see off the black stuff.

You might be surprised by how quickly renewables can roll out. They’re each small-ish developments and lighter in footprint, so there is less fuss, which makes for lots of little bangs and then bamf, they’re all over the place like mushrooms.

Actual technological progress in a fantasy series! 

I mean, if they’re a technology company, they should be able to put that checkbox in an app no problem. No excuses.

I mean if you want more words we’ve got to move fast or we lock in more than 1.5, possibly more that 2 degrees of warming by the end of the century, and that would be “pretty much fucked”. It’s challenging for some folks because of the lead time. Nobody is saying in 12 years the sky will fall.

It’s ironic that those lovely Evangelion UI gifs are hosted on a site that’s using deceptive UI (“sign up!” dressed as a cookie clearance “ok” for example). Fiction is much more soothing.

Any excuse for that Daniel Craig photo! :)

Same here, I’m so grey and sad. But that little bug must have open-ended on the old RoleMaster crit tables to get amberized then opalized then found.

_Imperial_ Blood Corpse Mahjong Poker!

That is pretty much the whole Lunar Xprize. It’s turned out to be harder than expected so that even after the challenge expired, one has launched and none have landed. 

I think they’re hoping that the Army of the Dead will walk on by, if they win, and the cryptlings can emerge alive. And then there’s a rattling from every Stark casket and that little girl has to fight after all!

Lyanna is going to get absolutely dismembered next week, just to mess with us. Betcha.

You would lose that suit, because you’d be a creepy wanker. Ye gods, talk about entitled creeps. “You can’t stop me jacking off so long as I stay a few inches away, hmm, I am very smart.”

“Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven” - Milton, or Cersei once her backstabbing late army plan falls through and winter comes to King’s Landing.

More action, peril, skullduggery and drama, less funny mole pie. It’s more like Tiny Conan than Redwall.

Sadly that means it probably won’t work for me. Once I’m on a werewolf feasting jag, mere “feeling full” doesn’t cut it. But it does sound like techno-psyllium, for sure.

It was hokey fun, but Salvation was just boring. 

Why does Square hate adorable soft boys? Whyyyyy!