
I sent you guys photos of a 5-door 1 series in Los Angeles a few weeks ago and do I get on Jalopnik? oh no, my photos aren't good enough.

I want the Vette to beat the GT-R, then I want the V-spec to beat the ZR1, then I want Chevy to make an even faster vette which beats the V-spec, then I want Nissan to make an even faster R36 GTR.

Can you guys get a video player that doesn't re-download the movie every time it plays? kthxbai.

Can there be such a thing as a Zonda test "Mule"? Can the lowly mule, the horse-amino, if you will, really be mentioned in the same sentence as the name "Zonda"? Surely the tweed weave of top shelf carbon fiber, cut by the hands of an artist is not destined for the work pants of such a miscegenatory pack animal.

WIth so many of these special edition mustangs I'm beginning to think that the true "Special Edition" is the stock one.

@Ben Wojdyla: You've been tricked, that's a casserole.

@FreeMan: Wait, the nightly news isn't interested in actual news stories? It's entertainment you say? Little Jimmy's lost cat isn't even as important as local politics? Peanut butter goes well with jelly? :-)

And the $5 gasoline did come. And the people did buy it. But yay did they mourn it. And he sent his horsemen, four strong, to the shores of suburbia and he drove the bleating masses to the cities. And they did find a love of Peugeots, and Fiats, and compression ignition. And it was good.

To paraphrase: "A Douche and his trust fund are soon parted."

@lankybits: Also, since it's a light-pressure supercharger I'm guessing it's more to improve scavenging than to actually increase effective cyllinder volume in the way that most superchargers would work.

@AndyDuncan: RTFA you rube: "Each of the 8 blocks carried two cylinders and pistons with common conjoining combustion chambers. Inlet ports were in the rear cylinders and exhausts in the forward set."

How does the exhaust flow from the rear bank exit? Does it come through the block on the front bank?

And a question, is VAG pronounced with the German "V" sound (English "F") sound? ie: Fag? or is it pronounced with a soft "G" as in Vadge?

@Al Navarro: @goatrope: Those are pretty poor numbers. I think perhaps perception still hasn't shifted to where people understand a "premium small car". The mini has helped, I think the A3 has helped, I'd say it's impact is larger than it's low sales would suggest.

I'm a big fan of the A3, hopefully the S3 sportback will mean a stateside S3 for the first time. That would be a welcome addition.

Well, the V8 S4 was a pretty poor successor to the 2.7T version, so I think this is good news. And 100lbs off the front of an Audi couldn't be more needed.

Whatever P.D.R.

It's the official car of Dr. John A. Zoidberg. Now you just need to find a mechanic familiar with the internals of an alien vehicle such as this, or you'll end up with your fuel hoses swapped with your brake lines.

Well, just don't mention the stop-sale that is just now starting to be lifted on the 2.5L version.

My sister had a metro for many years. After I got my license and she was on an internship it was essentially my first car. It was gutless, the materials were shit, and at $9k it felt way overpriced. But the damn thing got over 40mpg and while eventually, long after she had taken it back, every part of the car fell