
Anyone know just how "light" this engine is? The boxer design was being hyped by subaru as a superior layout for diesel (just like they've perennially hyped the gas boxers). I'd be interested to see what the weight differences are versus the gas mill.

@derekste: And if all you want is 550hp, why the hell are you driving an EVO?

@derekste: There's nothing to refute. The cost of getting a honda fit to 550hp would also be less than the cost of purchasing the GT-R.

@Andrewpetty: I'm guessing your first response was to ash, not to me, and I would agree that I can't see Audi putting the 140hp version in the A4, even the 170hp version would be a stretch. If they can get it above the psychological 200hp threshold (bmw 1/323d is 204ps IIRC) , then i could see it happening.

@goatrope: I'd guess 3,000 of those are in LA, they're pretty popular around here.

An A3 TDI quattro would be the perfect combination of livability, economy and performance. Of course I'd need a se7en or an atom for the weekends.

@derekste: And the torque curve for that EVO would look like...?

3 years? Just sync them permanently. From what I've been able to find about the Euro tests the main differences are the fact that in the Euro side-impact test the dolly hits directly, where the US dolly hits at an angle, and the Euro cars must meet additional pedestrian safety regs.

@bzr: Indeed, it worked for Ferruccio.

@Ash78: Me too. I was hoping for some sort of info about what movie her pieces were in.

@AndyDuncan: "Blocking is incredibly dangerous" should read "Blocking is incredibly dangerous in open wheel racing".

@NICKNICK: Blocking is incredibly dangerous and incredibly easy to do. It's not conducive to exciting motorsports to let people block.

Love it. Finally GM getting their heads out of their asses and making the cars we knew they were capable of.

@AndyDuncan: Ok, so there's two pictures, and the numbers don't match up.

Number 4 on the image is the aluminum frame. number 5 doesn't exist.

The thing with all these "Fastest around the ring" claims that bothers me is that you're taking different drivers on different days and throwing them at a track that has no runoff, is chock full of potholes, spray painted, loaded with tarmac changes, etc. etc.

The tech products have to take the cake. Laptops, flash drives, cell phones, they all have a "king of the hill" period of about a week and a half. After that, they're obsolete, and you've just slapped your product's precious logo on something that is depreciating faster than your product itself.

@girlwonder: A little sappy, but an interesting viewpoint:

@girlwonder: Actually title IX doesn't say anything about funding or quotas, it just says that representation in the athletics programs has to be "proportional" At most schools that meet title IX, they still spend more money on men's sports (because of expensive football and basketball programs), but they get away