
@elwood: It's perfectly OK to fawn over a giant motor in a stupid and wasteful application. It's especially justified when you're talking about pulling the motor out, since that implies you are either going to put it into something more worthy, or just hook it up to some hoses and hang it from a lift in your living

[in Abe Simpson impending doom voice:] Oh No! Boooooobs! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS!

Looks decent, though it loses a little bit of the sportiness of the current Aura with it's Yaris-like nose.

Two questions: Displacement? Weight when made from non-exotic materials?

@Torqahontas: This isn't an entirely new engine, and Ford (europe) does know how to build diesels. This engine is based on the Lion v6/v8 diesels that Ford/Jaguar/Land Rover co-developed with PSA (Peugot, Citroen):

Looks like this is going to be a pretty light version as well. Wikipedia lists the weight of the 3.6l "Lion" v8 that this is based on at 202Kg (445lbs) dry, which is quite a bit lighter than the powerstroke, duramax or cummins large diesels.

This is a welcome addition to the engine lineup, and I don't mean to cheapen the importance of a medium displacement diesel motor, but there should be a 3-ish liter v/i 6 available in these trucks as well. Yes, even the 250/350.

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

They should force them to make the high pitched sputtering sound from The Jetsons:

Widow maker. Pretty much just a track day car though. Gave it a "yes" vote based on the (yet to be released?) hard-top version.

Second-hand dodge sprinter. Those things are bigger than my apartment.

As with all automobile-branded accessories, wether you own the associated car or you don't, you're either just a douche or a poseur (respectively).

Please don't feed the trolls.

And instead of a bigger engine it comes with a Malibu Stacy doll that says "Acceleration is hard! Let's go shopping!"

Slap "American Apparel" on there and you've got Dov's new ad campaign!

This comment caching is BS. How can I write snarky replies to Al when I can't click his name?

If we stop letting our business and political leaders have strange prisoner fantasy sex, we'll take away the incentive to become successful and capitalism will fail.

That doesn't look like very many studs.

Doubt that you would get enough energy out of a given mass of radioactive waste to propel a car.