
200 units/month? Better get in line now, that won't even satisfy JDM demand.

2800lbs is very optimistic given the relatively high curb weight of the 1 (isn't it something like 3300-3400lbs?), but even a brake+suspension package that goes beyond the "m-sport" upgrades would be a very welcome addition to the line.

@ruggels: If you're honestly suggesting that any amount of chassis massaging can make a 300+ lb-ft front-wheel drive car "fine" without an LSD, then you're insane. The MKV is certainly better than the IV (even the 20AE, which is what the MKIV GTI should have been in the first place), but it's not that much better. And

@416Hammy: Say as many nice things as you want about Chris Bangle (it shouldn't take long) but There's nothing good looking about any of the rear-ends of any of the Bangle BMWs. He's definitely more of a Tits man than an Ass man.

Holy torque steer batman!

I think you're probably right. My first reaction to the news of the record was "Wow, I can't believe they managed to beat a record from over 20 years ago given today's traffic." Even if it was behind the wheel of one of the greatest vehicles of all time...

I didn't even need to read the list to see what else is on here before I made my choice: The LM002 should never have been in the garage in the first place.

parking in SF is pretty absurd. A friend of mine parks his car at his company's office and takes the bus to it when he needs to drive because the 15 minute bus trip each way is faster than trying to find a spot.

Well, it doesn't look great but it has three things going for it:

And remember, this weekend's F1 race being in China, all us west-coasters can stay up to watch qualifying at 11pm on friday night, and the race at 10:30pm Saturday Night. Yay! Live F1!

Take the motor, leave the car. One of the best engines ever produced. One of the crappiest chassis ever produced. Drop that motor into just about anything small and you've got yourself one hell of a car.

Alonso's Whininess is recent? He's been bitching about one thing or another since he got in to formula one. In a sport filled with Prima Donnas, he's easily the worst. Also he is far overrated. Look how well Fisichella did in the Renault compared to this year. Alonso is all car.

I'm sure Dennis would have fired Alonso by now if the FIA wasn't protecting De La Rosa and Alonso (as they have stated that they are). I hope Alonso is shunned by other teams next year for the antics he's pulled this season. Cheating, and then trying to blackmail your team using your own cheating behavior as the

"Nothing" Awesome. I still love the scene from Mars Attacks where Jack Nicholson is ordering limos with leather interiors "Corinthian, if you've got it."