
It actually broke 200mph on the continent, making this new record several minutes faster than the actual travel time will be if they stick to 186mph for the non-tunnel parts. Still very fast and very useful. 5.6b£ is a lot of money tho, good luck trying to pass something like that over on this side of the pond.

Even before this new line near London and a slightly more central station at Kings Cross/St. Pancras, the Eurostar was far more convenient than taking a plane simply because you could book a reasonable fare at the last minute, it drops you off in the center of Paris instead of at charles de gaulle, and trains leave

In Manhattan Beach, (LA) this morning I saw a completely un-camouflaged red B8 S4 sedan. It was even badged as an S4, not sure what it was doing out and about with no camo, maybe a photo shoot?. I couldn't snap a picture of it fast enough, but it looks pretty nice. Very similar to the s-line with a slightly more open,

um, that's SIR Jackie Stewart to you.

We're in an age of super-high-powered cars that looks a lot like the beginnings of the turbo era of Formula 1. Vette/Viper/M5 aside, At 500-600 horsepower from 5-6 liter engines we're really just scratching the surface of what's possible from a forced induction motor.

@KatzManDu: The answer to the "why?" question is: he couldn't get a seat in F1.

Hey, so long as it's not like those crappy force-feedback driving games from '92 that yank the wheel out of your hands.

And if you thought the Mazdaspeed 3 sounded unbalanced...

If it looks like that, they may have redeemed themselves. But if Mitsubishi ships the EVO X in the sportback style from the concept, I'll probably still get that instead.

@danio If your competition has a pill that cures cancer, then yeah, you need one too. This isn't about GM or Ford selling cars that run on water, this is about them designing and building cars that people actually want to buy. Their competitors ARE doing it, so they must as well.

Michael Bay. He's all flash and over-the-top theatrics with no subtlety, finesse or sense of purpose.

EDIT: I'm retarded. the 6-speed manual is an option on the 335. I'm officially drooling now. Hopefully they'll see the light and bring over a 5-door 135. I'd hit that.

No word on transmissions. I take that to mean that the 135 will be offered with the same 6-speed slushbox they put in the 335. Pity. Could've been a nice car.

I hope "Chad" found that new job, because if his Boss is literate (about 25% chance, 15% if s/he has an MBA) it shouldn't be too hard to put two and two together. If I was Chad's boss, I'd offer to accelerate his employment transition, as I'm sure pressure will soon be coming down from above to do just that.

RE: carbon work

the carbon fiber work on the zondas is worth the price of admission alone. I'm not surprised to hear that they throw away out-of alignment but otherwise perfectly structurally fine parts. Any photo you can find of the engine bay interior, or, better yet, one of the "unpainted" Zondas is an amazing tour de force in

@Retiree: Yeah, but I also think it was a leak by Audi to improve sales of the current a4 :-P