Andy dufresne's burner

On Friday at the South African Championships, Semenya, a two-time Olympic gold medalist in the 800-meter race, chose to compete in the 5000-meter race, which is exempt from the testosterone eligibility requirement, and won gold with a time of 16:05.97. The women’s world record at that distance is 14:11.15.

Sure, but does he play the game the right way?

What is that DC United player wearing under his shirt at the end of the video?  It looks like a sports bra, I’ve never seen anything like that

My biggest regret is that we’ll have to wait an extra 6 months for Hamilton Nolan’s next Deadspin article.


As bad as the health issues are right now, there’s at least enough time for fighters to fully re-hydrate before they start getting punched in the head.

There’s research showing that the more dehydrated you are in a fight the more likely you are to suffer permanent brain damage, so they have intentionally avoided doing

The Dallas Marathon expo was held at the convention center as well on Friday and had to evacuate and close early. These assholes wasted about 4 hours of my life over the weekend.

The Olympic “A” standard is 2:15. At 2:10 you might not fill an American olympic team.

I’ve run 2:28, there are leagues of space between me and 2:12.

Now playing

There’s a guy on YouTube who used to make all sorts of videos for wrestlers (Benoit, Punk, and Pillman come to mind). I really liked this one:

2:21? Worth it.

I’m pretty solidly middle class but don’t pay enough interest on my home to beat the standard deduction. Kill it.

Butt. That’s my HBO Go password, it’s ‘Butt’

I’m a 2:28 marathoner (if that gives me street cred), and the most important thing for running fast is starting slow. Elites can run mostly even splits in races because their warm-ups are much more intense than the average runner. Most runners will have their best time by running ~30 seconds slower than goal pace to

Personally I’m interested in Hamilton’s take on the matter

It’s pretty well documented that certain genetic attributes are favorable to different sports. For sprinting, that’s the percentage of fast twitch muscle fibres you have. People on island nations are more likely to have similar genetic make-up, so if they also have favorable genes for a sport stuff like this happens.