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Extremely underrated band. Great debut album:

I’m supporting Clinton because I think she’ll be a better general election candidate than Sanders and I think she’ll be a better president too. However I am also supporting her because she’s a woman. And everytime I see any sort of criticism of that line of thinking it just reinforces my belief that we have to

Thank you. I was actually about to type exactly the same words: “however the fuck she wants”. Regardless of how the Millennial Bernie Brigade thinks she should vote and the ever-so-subtle ways they come up with to say so.

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Track: Car Song | Artist: Elastica | Album: Elastica

This. If you’re married, cheat with other married people.

Truth At All Costs is stupid thing to believe in. A person might confess to being honest for the sake of showing respect for the partner, but really it’s a play to make themselves feel magnanimous in their gesture of honesty. It’s selfish. The best advice is unless you’re about to outed, just shut up. But even if

Clearly not a lot of Savage Love (the podcast by Dan Savage) listeners here. I used to think, “Once a cheater, always a cheater”, and I would want to know and that it was relationship-ending. Maybe I would feel that way if I were just dating someone casually. But with the soon-to-be Mr. BabyGirlsMomma, I feel like I

Bernie coughed first and it was much more authentic.

The same thing happened in 2008 when Hillary faced off against Barack Obama. She gathered up most of the Superdelegates, but lost them to him as the primaries went on. The Superdelegates do not have to stick to one candidate and can change at any time.

Actually, the main reason she was elected was because she was pushing to find out the truth about the state of the water. She’s spent her entire time in office trying to fix this — and being ignored.

And let us marvel again at how precisely Andrew Sullivan, the man who spent thirty years slowly figuring out that modern American Republicans aren’t British Tories from his childhood, measured the pulse of our society.

She might be working towards a Fox News gig. Perhaps she just wants to keep her name out there in case there is a corporate shake up somewhere in the tech industry.

I hate you.

Neither does Palin, so you two now have something in common.

Neither are the strictly academic purity Olympians who constitute Jacobin’s audience.

but a mayor of a big city is going to be concerned with hundreds of other issues that come with the job, even if it’s DeRay.

Other than an excuse to show off some creative nicknames, I’m not sure I understand your point. Does the fact that Coates is not a lower-class citizen make his points less valid? The article from the Jacobin is interesting and an argument that hasn’t gone away. It gets talked about extensively and almost always

I’d argue his talent and ability would be wasted trying to wage that battle from inside city hall, as opposed to being the face of the movement, out on the front lines.