
Maybe we’ll finally fucking learn where whores go!

Don’t fall into the trap. People who say that Clinton’s no better than Trump or Cruz are either so blinded by their hatred of Hillary Clinton that they can’t see straight, or know fuck-all about politics and policy to begin with. Either way, they’re not worth your time.

As someone who’s very much a casual gamer, and someone who really doesn’t like online or multiplayer games, I’d say the PS4 is the best console you can buy. It’s a bit cheaper than the Xbox One is, and is pretty straightforward and no frills, which is exactly what I want out of a system I may go a few weeks without

Except that, no, that’s not actually the case at all.

I don’t disagree with the general thrust of a lot of the complaints - Yale, like every organization in America, certainly has some issues to work through, and I absolutely believe it can be oppressive for minority students. But the response to the professor’s email has been overblown and shameful. Her email makes

I’m with you on Sanders’ support for rural gun owners, but he’s voted in favor of some regulations that have nothing to do with rural issues. Like, voting Yes on allowing firearms on checked Amtrack baggage, voting against suing manufacturers, voting Yes on “prohibiting foreign and UN aid that restricts US gun

Fair enough. It makes me want to start a Clientcopia for Kinja.

Yeah, that’s totally fair. I guess the only difference is that Rich & Caity’s series, or Magary’s series on Deadspin/Adequate Man are generally different things. This one just struck me because it’s so similar every week. To me, it’s basically either sever or customer or kitchen complaints, copied and pasted, with

Makes sense. It’s just weird that it constantly pops up in the “Popular across all blogs.” I mean, if io9 did a gif party everyday, that’d show up there, but it seems sort of unfair. No issue with the sub-blog itself, though.

Great write-up of what was, all in all, a pretty great fight. My wife and I decided to buy it at the last possible minute before GGG started and weren’t even disappointed that we missed the undercard fights (I spaced that it was even happening).

I don’t follow this blog, but serious question; is this just basically the same set of articles over and over every week? I don’t mean that as a critique, I just don’t really get it - every week, it pops up in the left hand “Popular from all blogs” feed, but it always seems like basically the exact same topic just

What’s the difference?

I’m a lifelong short and small dude (5’5” and 140-160lbs, depending on which point in my life you catch me) who’s married to a woman who’s put on 80lbs since we got married (thyroid disorders suck), and this whole conversation is just kind of gross.

I’m a married man now, but when I wasn’t, a woman’s height never even really crossed my mind, in terms of attractiveness. I’m definitely on the short and small side at 5’5” and 145lbs, but I’ve had two different lovers over 6’, and they were wonderful women. Those dudes were just being shitty because they’re shitty

Totally agreed, on Rocky & Adrian, and I think part of what made Rocky Balboa work so well is how devastated and mostly rudderless he is without her.

Everything I’ve read seems to indicate that him being off of Star Wars wasn’t necessarily his decision.

Of all of the Rocky films, I’d say Rocky Balboa is the most criminally underrated. It’s certainly not perfect, but it did a really good job humanizing the character after more than a decade of him slowly morphing into some kind of generic, America!!!! superhero.

They’re big soccer matches, too; Gold Cup’s the largest tournament in this hemisphere when the World Cup’s not on.

Also, both Cuba v Guatemala and Mexico v Trinidad Gold Cup games are playing, and the US is hosting this year. I mean, it’s only the largest soccer tournament in this hemisphere, but whatever.

In an alternate universe somewhere, Adu is the one who become a starting player year-after-year, and Altidore is consigned to some fifth-run league in Europe.*