they'll want to eventually switch to current-gen entirely and abandon the old consoles,
they'll want to eventually switch to current-gen entirely and abandon the old consoles,
Kill the flinch, keep the descope.
This is Halo, not CoD.
I'd also throw a nod out to for a spot to check on free shipping coupons.
So, it's how Halo always functioned...
Scope in when target is unaware to get an easier headshot, shoot from hip the other 95% of the time. get that an overwhelming majority of the developers at 343 are ex-Bungie, right?
But that's actually the most realisitc way to play it. It's like in real life where god decided where every single tree should grow and how high each mountain should raise. /s
dear world:
we're not all slackjawed morons of the highest order, as this goddamn douchenozzle is.
a sane missourian.
I've always found that out-assholing the asshole (but only the asshole) is the most effective course.
Unless the asshole is your boss. Then you're just fucked.
Someone tell this obnoxious prick to go buy some more sneakers with his roommate's stolen credit card.
On MMO-style games (inb4 the "OMG IT ISN'T AN MMO!" nonsense, because it is from a backend server architecture standpoint) it's more efficient to push the new code to everyone and then restrict it with a small bit of access code, thus the super-small download that caused the "OMG IT'S ALREADY ON-DISC DLC" bullshit…
seriously, entitled gamers are the fucking worst.
If this is what we're setting the bar for "over-the-top" at, then we need to re-evaluate things.
From a man's perspective...
After several years of crappy, constantly ripping $30 - $50 messenger bags, I finally cracked and ordered a custom Timbuk2 bag.
Best ~ $250 I've ever spent. It's a tank (I'm really, really hard on bags), it's work appropriate but not so uptight that I look like "that guy" while walking…
...especially if you're after cast iron.
10-inch cast iron skillets are ~ $10 in my local thrift store, compared to upwards of $50 for a lower mid-range new one.
I've always been the "Spend an embarrassing amount of time in the character creator tweaking every slider multiple times" guy rather than the "Restart the game after an hour because I hate the way my toon looks" guy.
Now, I shouldn't say that I don't like attention on the road. In fact, I loved it when people would approach me at gas stations, restaurants, or stoplights when I was driving my E63 AMG wagon or my CTS-V wagon. But that's because those were car people, eager to discuss one of the most unusual — and most subtle — cars…
I've always been of the opinion that the Feats of Strength should come first...but yes, the Airing of Grievances is fun as well.
dear everyone freaking out over crossguard sabers: they've been a thing for a while.
My grandfather rode a 42WL during the war, got home in '45, and bought one in '48 (I think). It's in pieces in his workshop...always hoped that we'd rebuild the thing at some point.