
ugh why does all the good shit have to come out at once?!

Halo: MCC, FarCry 4, GTA V, wallet hates me.

I'm in the exact opposite boat - my Fireteam chat is always rock-solid, but my XBL party chat drops like crazy. Weird.

I would have been totally fine with them keeping the bounty cap at 5 and just treating exotic bounties as "Mission" items.

But, I rarely play PvP (unless I have a full team for 3v3 or I have to for an exotic) so I may not be the best use-case for ten bounty slots.

the fact that thorn and bad juju still haven't been buffed is making me insanely unhappy right meow.

This is bonkers crazy good.

Seriously. People complaining about the lack of story in Destiny make about as much sense as people that complain about the (apparent; yes, I know there's strong lore behind it but at face value it's definitely lacking) story in WoW.

The <br><br> paragraph trick is bad form. Paragraph tags exist for a reason - use them.

I was in primary school in the early/mid 90's in SE Missouri, learned to type on a computer, and was taught to always double space after a period.

I have a feeling that since it's a protoss expansion, they'll hold off on announcing anything major until much closer to release.

Rich corinthian leather or GTFO.

Good ol' integer underflow

please let this work on OS X, please let this work on OS X....

The person you're snooping on may have something like face time or the like still open when you open the lid.

Note to self:

There are people in the world that aren't smart enough to figure out that when the title has a first-person personal pronoun ("I", "me", etc.) in it, then it's an opinion piece.


I'll argue until I'm blue in the face that this was one of the best titles on N64, period.

It hasn't been that noticeable for me in PvE, beyond the slight dip in headshot damage.

I have a maxed-out Grim Citizen III, and it still shoots on a rope and has far-beyond acceptable range.

I can't really comment on my Atheon's Epilogue, as I only picked it up last night, but it's done quite well in the Nightfall

One of my college friends swore by putting tomatoes in grilled cheese sandwiches. I'd never heard of it, and frankly thought it was batshit insane. Then I tried it.

I'll gladly deal with the awkward looks I get from cashiers at McCallister's or Panera every time I order a grilled cheese with tomatoes to go with my

Regardless, Bungie: As adults with roommates, spouses, children, and pizza delivery guys occasionally asking for our attention, we cordially ask you to add some way to pause your fucking game. Thanks.

Yes, because asking a person that's never used a command-line interface to use potential machine-breaking commands is only a concern for Mac users.

Fuck off with your trolling.