And This How You Do Me?

This is where I come down. I hadn’t seen the quotes from his classmates before today, but even his public affiliations were enough to make me suspect he’s pretty much the same as when he typed those messages. If at 16 you’re dropping a shitload of racial slurs with your friends, and now at 18 your new friends are

Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

On the first, more important hand, what Kashuv said in those messages was extremely fucked up and Harvard has every right to drop him after discovering it.

I might argue that you’re somewhat underestimating the calories-from-buckets portion of his diet but other than that, spot on.

I think I’d consider anything more than a quarter (maybe a third?) and less than half to be a “large minority,” though once you hit 45% or so “almost half” does probably become the better phrase.

Clearly you’ve never talked to him about breaking unions and exploiting labor.

If it’s not impeachment, they’ll whip the base into a frenzy by calling whoever wins the Democratic nomination a baby-killing communist. They’ll always have something outrageous and polarizing to passionately campaign on, because lying and demonizing are what the Republican Party does best.

I mean, what we have was a pretty good try by the standards of 1787, when there weren’t really any other electoral democracies on the planet. And while we’ve fortunately made important (though often delayed and imperfect) progress toward making the system less exclusionary, the fundamental problem is that we haven’t

Farage cowering in fear of dairy products is pretty great, but I have to disagree with the headline’s statement that “there will never be anything better.” Donald Trump is going to die someday, after all.

I don’t know if you could pay me enough to get me to watch Confederate. I still liked Thrones overall despite the end being something of a mess, but it’s pretty clear that Benioff and Weiss suck. These two hack writers putting together a show full of Lost Cause apologia is one of the most deeply unappealing TV ideas

There were people whose objection to the Access Hollywood tape was that Trump used the naughty word “pussy,” rather than the content of what he admitted to.

My takeaways:

“So Westeros learned to function as a society. And eventually, they were ruled by... oh, let’s say... Bran.”

If I’m remembering correctly from earlier seasons, Sue always had a flourishing (robust, even) personal life outside work. Probably the most well-adjusted character on the show.

America still exists in 2044 and President Richard Splett was recently reelected after a successful first term. There’s an okay chance the show has a happier ending than the actual country.

Seriously. Poor slavers, it’s not like they’d ever crucified anyone... except they had, like 30 minutes before.

Hot (heh) take: executing Randyll Tarly was entirely justified. Dickon didn’t exactly deserve the same, but he was actively encouraged to avoid following in his father’s char-marks and chose poorly.

He’s the single most loathsome, wretched excuse for a human being on the entire planet. I hope he dies from shitting out a fully intact saguaro cactus teeming with fire ants.

“Exactly this, but with people competent enough to actually implement most of the fascism” is what we’re due for once the probably-inevitable Tom Cotton Administration takes power sometime in the 2020s or 2030s.

“He distributes grain evenly among the working class!” was the line of the episode, I thought.