Also December 6, the anniversary of the 13th Amendment’s official ratification.
Also December 6, the anniversary of the 13th Amendment’s official ratification.
Sports would be much less stupid today if the effort to seize the Baltimore Colts by eminent domain in 1984 had succeeded.
And this right here is exactly Tucker’s dumbass pointless point. These assholes don’t see themselves as the “real” racists. In their fevered imaginations only the people who march around carrying Nazi flags and wearing swastikas are “real” racists.
Lee, Jeff Davis, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Wade Hampton... The list goes on and on.
I think this short twitter thread from a few months ago explains a lot of why QB tends to be whiter than the sport as a whole. It’s a position that, early on in a player’s career, has a selection bias toward kids whose parents have a lot of money/free time/connections. Parents fitting that description are more likely…
Why not stick to three words, and go with “Blinkered White Socialism”?
You may not realize exactly how low a bar “perfectly fine” is for the Libertarian Party. Not wanting to repeal the Civil Rights Act or abolish the local fire department puts Gary Johnson well to the party’s internal left. Sure, he campaigned on a wacky and impossible-to-implement plan to replace the income tax with a…
Cannibal Lobster Man of New England for Governor Maine 2018
“Biggest Typesetting in All The Land” is one of my favorites
Chuck Schumer shows exactly why length of service and fundraising ability aren’t great criteria for leadership. He’s been a good party man for almost 40 years (which is in itself all well and good), but the game he’s trying to play here simply does not exist anymore. Someone who’s been less insulated from the world…
This is a guy who makes all his political decisions based on the opinions of an imaginary, upper-middle-class white Long Island couple who haven’t changed since 1998. Well, that’s an exaggeration – in the mid-aughts they changed their last name because it was too ethnic. I don’t think he’s being cheeky, I think he’s…
The way America does primaries is in a lot of ways an undemocratic mess, but I’m not totally sure what you’re getting at here. State-level party support is already built into how both the Democrats and Republicans allocate delegates in their presidential primaries. Maybe it’s not as drastic an effect as you’d like,…
Actually, DeVos’ next major policy push is a major school safety program, intended address what the Secretary sees as one of the primary dangers America’s children face in their places of learning. It’s a joint project she and Ivanka Trump have been working on.
Occupying Trump-owned properties would be a start. Trample the greens at a few golf courses and watch the right’s masks come all the way off.
Modern Germany bans display of the swastika and officially recognizes the Nazi period as a national disgrace. That is not the example you want to use to argue in favor of the slaveholder flag and “honoring southern heritage” or whatever both-sides nonsense you’re trying to push here.
If anything, most of the media has been far too kind to this fascistic hate golem. The recent bad-faith bullshitting about “civility” toward the staff of the most indecent, ill-mannered sack of gilded assholes ever to thrust himself into American public life should be enough demonstrate that. It’s impossible to aim…
Look, I get that you’re angry. We’re all angry. But that’s just a cruel suggestion. What’d the sun ever do to deserve such a horrible fate?
1. Well-off white Americans, as a group, will never hesitate to slaughter decency on the altar of their false god, Civility.
What’s the point of having a Honda if you can’t show it off?