It begins!
A lot of ground has been covered with you and hopefully, something learned. But I would like to add one thing. If there is a karmic roll of the dice for us all, I hope those dice fall where they ought to, with you laying in your own shit, able only to roll, but not enough to distance yourself from your own bile,…
I think my dad is Chipper Jones
It's loser humor. Please stop the caterwauling. You have great things to accomplish. Go out and get 'em kid, don't give this another thought.
Jesus you assholes, this guy is a joke. It's fine for Wu to be a little concerned, but please. Every word of this comes off as a mockery. Not funny, but this guy isn't serious. He's just an asshole.
Ugh, lesbians. They ruin everything.
I'm reading the same. She says something like /we noticed police started following us/. You mean with their lights on? Honestly, I don't know, but my bullshit detector is running off the charts with the three-mile bullshit. And then the guy throws down his hands, with these cops clearly in get-y0ur-ass-on-the-ground…
Gerry isn't going to make the pro circuit until he graduates to ass-to-mouth, no doubt.
Yes, they took 10-12 balls from each team and tested them all.
But you're excluding the control. They tested balls used by both teams. Only one showed this psi decline, according to this report.
Well done, Internet. These are some of the best comments I have ever read on the line.
And you are?
See? She hit him first. He was just defending himself.
Yup, this was a smart play on Conte's part. Sadly, when you're the one person making that play, your chances of getting posterized grow exponentially.
Think Willie Mays. Not only for prospects, but that swing/hand speed is like a carbon copy.
2015 could be the perfect season if the Cubs stay health and someone punches Tom Ricketts right in his fucking face.