
Wouldn’t you think there would be more elderly zombies though?

And yet they had that random voiceover in Abraham’s voice... it was so dumb I can’t even remember what it said..

There is a hilarious clip I saw on my reddit home page; can’t find it now of course.. But the guy is stalking prey with his horse and it slips and goes flying over his head and off a cliff. The comments made it even funnier “I got this boss!” etc.

I will keep this in mind the next time I eat at a sit down restaurant.

Good times.

I don’t even like playing games that have a hunger/thirst meter you have to keep up with. That completely nullifies anything else it has going for it.

I did not know that about outhouses. I usualy just chop them up.

They tend to appear to me under pine trees, and seem huge as they fly in my face. At least I know they are just “scenery” now. 

I only regret that he got caught.


He reminds me a bit of that Martin Short character “Nathan Thurm”. Or maybe Pee Wee Herman’s “I know you are, but what am I?”

And what a gift to SNL writers this hearing has been. I am looking forward to their take on it.

OMG. “Due Process” does not apply to job interviews! The man is not actually on trial. If I applied for a job and they didn’t hire me because I failed a background check, would I be right to scream “Due Process!” about it? Le sigh.


You are correct; I was just being lazy with my terminology.

Sugarcoating was not my intention. 

HR has tended to be pretty worthless at every job I’ve had at a place big enough to have one. They work for the company, not for you. Just a word to the wise. And I know you qualified it with GREAT, and I agree with you if that is the case, but it has not been my experience.

Phew. I was so worried this was going to end differently. You definitely dodged a bullet there. 

I know, right? How much consent has been because we just wanted to get some damn sleep? Thank you for reminding me once again how being alone is not the worst thing in the world.

In this case it seems to even go beyond lack of empathy into sadism. This guy was not content just to have his way physically; it seemed important to him to destroy any self esteem these women dared to have. He needed that extra kick to make it fun for him.