“cry hole”
“cry hole”
It is usually not necessary to back up a claim that the sky is blue with a citation.
I watch tv with closed captioning on. I’m getting old, but my hearing isn’t that bad. It just helps me “keep up” when the dialogue is thickly accented, etc.
Unfortunately, you are probably right.
I know, right? I just want to be left alone to buy my snacks in peace and get home to eat them in front of the tv.
Oh yeah. I don’t think anyone should be pressured to have a partner and family if they don’t want that, regardless of timeline. I was just addressing the fact that the option to choose can be more leisurely if one is male.
Well, ok then. :)
Aw hell nah! An UNFORGIVABLE offense in my opinion, especially as she is strung up and has nothing now to entertain her, which makes it particularly cruel. What a pig. No amount of beauty makes up for that, NONE. My top celebrity crush reverts back to Jeff Goldblum.
I would really wonder about his motives for buying you that. He could have just given you a gift card to choose your own book. What agenda is he pushing? Apologies if he is a kind, but somewhat clueless FIL generally.
“Saying vaguely positive things” means at least they were benign. First do no harm and all that.
Excellent point.
Even if the judgement weren’t there, the biological limitations are. I am finally in a good job situation as I am almost retired, but if I’d waited until this point to have children I never would have had that choice. I’m in my sixties. Yet a man my age could actually still do that. In fact, I have a male coworker…
Preach, sister!
Really? Having it all just means having a career and a family, not having to choose between the two. Men may not have had to wonder that because it is not usually a choice they’ve had to make. I can’t believe I had to spell this out. And 123 upvotes? Seriously? I am getting too old for this shit. P.S. Get off my lawn!
All this talk of counselors encouraging kids to join the military enrages me. I wonder how many of my HS cohort ended up as cannon fodder in Vietnam because of some shitty counselor telling them that. Not only was an opportunity wasted to help someone but they had a direct influence in literally sending some of them to…
I now do tech support for doctors, but I used to work with teachers. Too many of them just “phone it in”, especially after getting tenure.
I only ever saw mine the once because our HS FORCED us to as a qualification for graduation. And then he caused more harm than good with the stupid thing he said to me. I was so shocked I was like a deer in the headlights and just slumped out the door after that. My parents had already discouraged me from going to…
“What will you do when you have your period?” “The same thing you do when you have erections around children, hide it (hopefully).”
Can confirm. I do tech support for doctors who are often self-important entitled assholes and outside of their specialities not always all that smart. I often have the same ideas you just expressed. (edited for grammar)