
I have not always been the biggest Michelle fan, but I love her for this statement. Lean in, my ass. I would have leaned myself into the unemployment line if I didn’t just keep my head down and stay under the psycho boss’ radar.

Mine told me not to bother going to college because I would just get married anyway. Those exact words. He had my record in front of him, with my good grades, etc. on it, but yeah, because I am female I have no other choices.

SQUEEEEE! I can’t wait! I love this show; and JK Simmons should get an Emmy. If you are a fan of Mr. Robot and you haven’t yet checked Counterpart out.... get on it! It has that same dark, existential vibe.

What is it about Jeff Goldblum? He has always been my celebrity crush. With all these old shows they keep bringing back, I want to know when they are going to revive “Tenspeed and Brownshoe”? Huh? Huh?

You make good points and I agree that we may be copyrighting things to death. But I have to say that so many of the dance moves on Fortnite (a game I play and love) are so obviously co-opted from black creators of awesome dance moves. Not all of the dance emotes are of equal length. Some of them are pretty complex and

All the issues with “sampling” for example.

Yeah, I keep coming back to the fact that they are literally selling it for “v bucks” which do cost real money to obtain if you don’t earn them in the game. If it just appeared in the game for free (as an homage for example) it may not be as much of a legal issue, though perhaps still a moral one.

That is very unfortunate if his lawyer is incompetent. Thank you for explaining the difference between copyright and trademark to help enlighten the discourse.

That would definitely be the wisest choice.

“Literally changes on a case by case basis” - true for so many things :)

Not trying to be argumentative here, but combining body movements for a dance seems similar to combining colors in a painting. Would we say that Van Gogh wasn’t really an artist because red, yellow and blue had already existed?

That is true, ownership would be to ABC, etc. If I worked at a factory and invented a better way to build one of the machines I worked on, my invention would be owned by the factory. A friend of a friend’s dad had this happen to him and he is bitter about it to this day.

That escalated quickly.

Your family sounds similar to mine but swap out the explicit hate with extreme passive aggressiveness and scapegoating. I choose to be at work rather than deal with them for one more holiday. Cheers.

My grandson always called it “Bob Bob” and we would sing the theme song together. Good memories. As an aside, the spongeman’s creator looks a lot like him, what with the teeth and the eyelashes and it seems he was just as sweet.

Truthful people don’t blink. :)

Babette’s Feast is the movie that taught me I can watch a movie with subtitles and get so engrossed that I forget subtitles are supposed to be annoying. It is a true delight of a film and very uplifting, even if you aren’t a foodie. Watch something dark and Noir-y and then this as a chaser before bedtime to have sweet

I had the exact same experience “waiting for it to get good” which it never did. And I usually like this kind of movie, so it puzzled me. Glad to know I am not alone.

Chili with peeps in it is like something you would eat on Ambien. I loved seeing Chidi cut loose.

Hee-larious. There must be a video of that on the you tubes.