
Not to mention textbook sex addict. What the other person wants is not important to them, as long as they get their fix.

I believe it is called an “upper decker.” I’ll show myself out....

She’s going to grow up and write a tell all about Daddy Dearest. You heard it here first.

Upvoted for Dad-hair *giggle*

Agreed. Steve is kind of a dink but I really bought the chemistry between them.

He has nice curls which used to help minimize the “rat boy” look, so they shaved his head, why?

Interesting theory, maybe they just aren’t as good and writing backwards from the gag as they used to be?

It’s not only about the meat suit. A slimy personality can make anyone much less attractive than they otherwise would be.

Agreed on the skin, but right now I am just running a default so anything is an improvement :)

Yep. It is a cheapo Asus I spent about $250 online from Best Buy in 2012. The battery was going to melt the thing so I popped that out and just use it plugged in, with a wired connection to my cable modem. I do have to deal with a certain amount of lag, but I think part of that is my wimpy 4MB of RAM. I suck at aiming

What convinced me to buy the switch is the new Fortnite bundle coming out on Oct. 5. Until then I will be playing it on my 6 year old laptop. After a lot of grinding I’m up to level 15. I suck, but I love the game anyway.

A few idiots always have to ruin it for the rest of us. I used to be able to get my favorite allergy medication over the counter or online for super cheap. Now I can’t even find the same formula for any price and nothing else works the same. The couple of times in my life I had pain meds, I really needed them. Wisdom

It’s pretty difficult to fatally OD on Ambien, from what I read on the internets. Average therapeutic dose is 5-10mg. Fatal overdose would be 2000mg or so. So you could take your whole bottle of 30 10mg doses and not die. So she would first have to stockpile or get them on the black market and then really really want


Best thing? Different hairdos for the Franco “twins” so I can tell them apart. Their personalities are not as distinct as the actor seems to think they are.

*be* not *but*

Sigh. Yeah, I’m glad this show is back but it was pretty lackluster overall. Carl’s story did not go the way I expected it to, so that wasn’t a total snore. As for Debbie, I have been there. When you are a single mom your mind can be occupied with so much that a lot of things can but put on the shelf while you deal

You might be on to something there.

I’m so sorry for your loss.

I am most excited about Snow Crash which is one of my favorite books of all time, though it seems least likely to actually be made, sadly. Lovecraft Country has the best chance of success, IMHO. I look forward to that. I am cautiously optimistic about The Nevers. It should have snappy dialog, at least. Who Fears Death